CSOCurrent en:Contacting Support

Aus Cryptshare Documentation
Version vom 18. Juni 2024, 12:04 Uhr von Kunzw (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Replace links to cryptshare.com with pointsharp.com)
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About Cryptshare Support
Should you experience issues with Cryptshare for Outlook, your Cryptshare Reseller or our Cryptshare Support team are available to assist in finding a solution.

Our support can be contacted in several ways:
- Via email at support@cryptshare.com.
- Via the Administration Interface of your Cryptshare Server. On the main tab System Status, open the sub-tab "Support". You can send us relevant log and status information from your server as an encrypted zip-file.
- Using our the support form on our website.
- By phone: +49 761 / 38913-100 (please note our support team's service hours).

In order to effectively handle your support case, we require the following information from you. Please provide this information as completely as possible to allow us to help you quickly:

1. A technical contact on your side, preferably the administrator of the Cryptshare Server (including name, phone number, email address, availability times and timezone if required).

2. A description of the error, ideally with screenshot and the exact circumstances leading to Determine the error.

3. The MS Outlook version used and, if possible, the bitness of your used MS Outlook version (32 or 64 bit).

Determine your MS Office version

4. The version and, if possible, the bitness of the operating system on which the problem occurs.

Determine your MS Windows version.

5. The version of the Cryptshare for Outlook add-in you are using.

Determine your Cryptshare for Outlook Add-In version.
You can see the version of your Cryptshare for Outlook Add-In on the Tab "Version" in the Add-In Settings.

6. The files CS4OutlookError.txt and CS4OutlookTrace.txt.

CS4OutlookError.txt and CS4OutlookTrace.txt
The easiest way to send these files to us is using the button "Send Support data" on the Tab "Version" in the Settings Dialog in the Outlook Add-In.
You can also find the files CS4OutlookError.txt and CS4OutlookTrace.txt in the Directory "%appdata%\Pointsharp\Cryptshare for Outlook". The file CS4OutlookTrace.txt is only created if the option Log Level is activated. It contains detailed, important information that our support may need to resolve the issue effectively. If the file does not exist yet or is out of date, please reproduce the issue, and send us the .txt files along with the date and time the issue occurred.

7. The files adxloader.log and adxregistrator.log, if they exist.

adxloader.log and adxregistrator.log
You can find the files adxloader.log and adxregistrator.log in the Documents folder (\Documents\Add-in Express) of your Windows User Profile. They contain information that our support team may need to resolve the issue effectively. Should these files not exist, please mention this in your message.