CSOCurrent en:Variables of the file CS4OutlookUserConfig.xml: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 33: Zeile 33:
|Specifies whether the confidential message is displayed as "Send as" or "Send on behalf of" if a delegated mailbox is used.
|Specifies whether the confidential message is displayed as "Send as" or "Send on behalf of" if a delegated mailbox is used.
|Path and filename of the ClientStore file containing verification data[https://wiki.cryptshare.com/display/CS4OMB/.ClientStore+File+%28Numeric+Values+as+File+Names%29+v2.6.0 .]
Zeile 101: Zeile 98:
|Indicates whether the option to skip download options is skipped for the user
|Indicates whether the option to select download options is skipped for the user
|Indicates where the folder location for the downloads
|Indicates where the folder location for the downloads is
Zeile 131: Zeile 128:
!|Variable Name
!|Variable Name
|Indicates whether the Transfer History is visible or not. (-1 invisible, 0 or 1 visible)
Zeile 242: Zeile 236:
|Defines the date when the config will be valid. This parameter will be used when the Add-In should be configured.
|Defines the date when the config will be valid. This parameter will be used when the Add-In should be configured.
|Indicates whether the Transfer History is visible or not. (-1 invisible, 0 or 1 visible)
|Location where the client store file is.
|Path and filename of the ClientStore file containing verification data[https://wiki.cryptshare.com/display/CS4OMB/.ClientStore+File+%28Numeric+Values+as+File+Names%29+v2.6.0 .]

Aktuelle Version vom 8. April 2024, 12:07 Uhr

Working with XML Files
Please familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of XML files before you start to edit the CS4OultookUserConfig.xml. Furthermore, the use of an advanced editor that has an appropriate representation and syntax checking is recommended for editing the file (eg. Notepad ++, PSPad, or other).

User-specific information (one node per e-mail account)

Variable Name Function
ServerUrl Cryptshare Server URL
LastAcceptedTermsOfUse Date when the terms of use were accepted
FirstName Sender's first name
LastName Sender's last name
SenderPhone Sender's telephone number
EMailAddress Sender's e-mail address or the wildcard symbol `*` if you want to configure all e-mail addresses on the target computer identically during a Roll Out.
SendOnBehalfDelegationType Specifies whether the confidential message is displayed as "Send as" or "Send on behalf of" if a delegated mailbox is used.
IsUserEnabledServerURL Defines whether or not the Server URL is editable by the user in the Settings Dialog.
IsUserEnabledFirstName Defines whether or not the First Name is editable by the user in the Settings Dialog.
IsUserEnabledLastName Defines whether or not the Last Name is editable by the user in the Settings Dialog.
IsUserEnabledSenderPhone Defines whether or not the Phone Number is editable by the user in the Settings Dialog.

Last Used User Interface Settings

Variable Name Function
SendPasswordViaSmsGateway Indicates whether the option of sending the password via sms was activated during the last transfer or not.
NotifyAboutDownload Indicates whether the option Confirm Delivery was actived during the last transfer or not.
ShowNameOfAttachments Indicates whether the option Expose File Names in Notifications was actived during the last transfer or not.
ShowZipContent Indicates whether the option Show Zip Contents was actived during the last transfer or not.
EncryptMessage Indicates whether the option Encrypt Message was actived during the last transfer or not.
EncryptSubject Indicates whether the option Encrypt Subject was actived during the last transfer or not.
PasswordOption Indicates which Password Option was last used.
ImportDataToEmlAfterDownload Deprecated, see Download Settings
SaveDataAfterDownload Deprecated, see Download Settings
SaveEmlAfterDownload Deprecated, see Download Settings
ImportDataAfterDownload Deprecated, see Download Settings
ImportEmlAfterDownload Deprecated, see Download Settings

Download Settings

Variable Name Function
SkipImportOptions Indicates whether the option to select download options is skipped for the user
FolderLocation Indicates where the folder location for the downloads is
ImportDataAfterDownload Indicates whether the option to attach the files to a mail was activated during the last download or not.
SaveDataAfterDownload Indicates whether the option to import files to a folder was activated during the last download or not.
DeleteNotificationMailAfterDownload Indicates whether the transfer notification was deleted after the download or not
SkipFolderSelection Indicates whether folder selection is skipped, used in conjunction with SkipImportOptions
ImportEmlAfterDownload Indicates whether the confidential message is imported to the inbox
SaveEmlAfterDownload Indicates whether the option to import the confidential message to a folder was activated during the last download or not.

Global Settings

Variable Name Function
ProxyPort Port number for proxy connection.
ProxyType Proxy Mode Selection (system/none/defined)
ProxyUrl URL for the proxy connection
ProxyUser Username for the proxy connection
ProxyPassword Encrypted password for the proxy connection
IsUserenabledProxySelection Defines whether or not the Proxy Mode Selection is editable by the user in the Connection Settings tab of the Settings Dialog.
IsUserenabledProxyUrl Defines whether or not the Proxy URL is editable by the user in the Connection Settings tab of the Settings Dialog.
IsUserenabledProxyPort Defines whether or not the Proxy Port is editable by the user in the Connection Settings tab of the Settings Dialog.
IsUserenabledProxyUser Defines whether or not the Proxy User is editable by the user in the Connection Settings tab of the Settings Dialog.
IsUserenabledProxyPassword Defines whether or not the Proxy Password is editable by the user in the Connection Settings tab of the Settings Dialog.

Text Message Gateway Settings

Variable Name Function
EncodeSpacesAsPercentTwenty Whether or not whitespace is encoded as %20
Encoding What type of encoding is used for the sms text
ActivateSmsGatewayFeature Defines whether or not the feature is active.
ForceSmsNumberSelection Defines whether a number must be actively defined by the user or whether an automatic suggestion from the address book is selected. Changing the number is possible even if the feature is disabled.
GatewayUrl Text Message Service URL.
RequestType Specifies whether to communicate with the gateway via POST or GET.
ContentType Defines the content type for communication with the gateway.
ResponseType Specifies the type of response to be expected from the gateway.
ResponseRegEx Determines which keyword is used to acknowledge a successful transmission.
JsonPropertySet.ResponsePropertyName Specifies which property embedded in the JSON object contains the positive or negative result.
JsonPropertySet.ErrorPropertyName Specifies which property embedded in the JSON object contains a description of the error that occurred.
AuthenticationCredentials.UserName Specifies the username for authentication, if necessary.
AuthenticationCredentials.Password Specifies the password for authentication, if necessary.
AuthenticationCredentials.ParameterEncrypted Specifies whether the parameters must be decrypted.
HeaderParameters Can contain a list of freely defined parameters (ParameterSet) which are placed in the request header.
Parameters Can contain a list of freely defined parameters (ParameterSet) which, depending on the RequestType, are appended to the URL or stored in the request body.
ParameterSet.ParameterName Defines the name of the parameter.
ParameterSet.ParameterValue Defines the VALUE of the parameter.
ParameterSet.ParameterEncrypted Specifies whether the parameter value must be decrypted.

Further Nodes

Variable Name Function
DateOfValidity Defines the date when the config will be valid. This parameter will be used when the Add-In should be configured.
LastTransferManagerView Indicates whether the Transfer History is visible or not. (-1 invisible, 0 or 1 visible)
ClientStoreLocation Path and filename of the ClientStore file containing verification data.
DateOfLastOutlookShutdown Date string when Outlook was closed the last time
SuppressUserCredentialsDialog Suppress the user credentials dialog
RemoveQuotesAroundSenderHeaderValue Remove quotes around sender header values
PlaceSendingEmailInDefaultOutbox Place emails send with the add-in into the outbox of the default account
ContactSupportDefaultMail Email address used as recipient for the contact support mail
EmbedLinkedImages This option makes sure that linked-in images will not disappear when Cryptshare for Outlook is activated.
SuppressSentSizeWarning This option suppress the warning message for the threshold “Keep sent attachments smaller than (MB)”
UseDefaultAccountOnly If the option is enabled, only the default Outlook account is used. This can lead to improved compatibility when using alternative e-mail servers (e.g. Kopano or Zarafa).
MaximumSearchDaysSinceShutdown After starting Outlook, all emails that have been received since the end are checked for transfer information. You can use this option to restrict how far the add-in looks back in time. The default value is 30 days.
MaximumItemsToSearch After starting Outlook, all emails that have been received since the end are checked for transfer information. This option can be used to limit the total number of emails scanned. The default value is 5000 emails.
SearchDelayTimerSecondsDelegateMailbox Outlook accounts that have access rights to a specific mailbox must be checked for new emails at regular intervals. The default value is 60 seconds.
SearchDelayTimerSecondsNewNotifications After starting Outlook, all emails that have been received since the end are checked for transfer information. This option can be used to describe the delay until Outlook accounts that have mailbox access rights are scanned. The default value is 10 seconds.
SuppressAutomaticDownloadManagerActivation If this option is activated, the transfer manager is no longer displayed automatically.
HideCompletedDownloadsDelaySeconds It is possible to automatically hide the download element of a successfully downloaded file after it has been downloaded. The value stored here is the number of seconds that the download element is displayed before hiding. The default value is 60 seconds.
UseDefaultEmailAccountOnly After activating this option, only the default account is available for use with Cryptshare.

This option may be useful for users who have lots of additional mailboxes and experience slow Outlook startup times. Please note that this option should only be used if you are using Cryptshare with your own (default) account and don't plan on using Cryptshare with any of the additional mailboxes.

DefaultTransferManagerListSize Defines the amount of transfer manager elements to show before displaying the button "Show all...". The default value is 25 items.
DoNotAttachConfidentialMessageToSentItem Defines whether or not the sent item should contain the confidential message as an attachment if the option "Keep sent attachments" is enabled. The default value is false.
DoNotActivateCryptshareWhenInteractingWithSensitiveInformation Defines whether the Add-in should activate Cryptshare when an email containing sensitive information (i.e. either a confidential message or recipient notification with attached files) is either forwarded or replied to. The default value is false, meaning that Cryptshare will be activated.
UseSimplifiedRibbonButtons Indicates whether the simplified ribbon button should be used.
HideSettingsButton This option hides the "Settings" button of the add-in.
HideContactSupportButton This option hides the "Contact support" button of the add-in.
HideActivateQuickButton This option hides the "Activate QUICK" button of the add-in.
HideMakeAWishButton This option hides the "Make a wish" button of the add-in.
HideSendWithCryptshareButton This option hides the "Send with Cryptshare" button of the add-in.
MarkSentItemForDeletion Set this option to true if you experience an issue with emails getting stuck in the outbox.
OpenRevokeMailDraft Indicates whether the the checkbox for showing the revocation mail draft is shown or not.
SentItemSubjectPrefix Sets a prefix for the subject of sent e-mail items for Cryptshare transfers
SentItemSubjectSuffix Sets a suffix for the subject of sent e-mail items for Cryptshare transfers
MailDecryptionCategorySubjectPrefix Sets a prefix for the subject of an imported encrypted e-mail.
MailDecryptionCategorySubjectSuffix Sets a suffix for the subject of an imported encrypted e-mail.
MailDecryptionCategoryName Specifies the name of the category that will be used to mark the imported encrypted e-mail.
MailDecryptionCategoryColor Sets the color of the category used to mark the imported encrypted e-mail.
UseCustomUriScheme Specifies whether to force the use of the Download Manager.
MaximumZipItemsToList Defines the maximum number of shown files of a zip archive in the notification mail.
HideCompletedDownloads Defines whether an already downloaded download should still be displayed in the Transfer Manager.
SwapAttachmentsDelay Specifies how long it takes before attachments are transferred to the Attachment Manager when Cryptshare for Outlook is activated. The default value is 2 seconds.
ForcePopOutOnReply If this option is activated a click on the reply button will always open the reply mail in a pop out window.
UILanguage Contains the abbreviation for the language previously determined by the add-in.
ActivateVisibilityWorkaround If Cryptshare relevant buttons are not displayed, this workaround may fix the problem.
TrustLocalDirectories Defines whether directory links should be trusted in Cryptshare mails
TrustDownloadedFiles Defines whether file links should be trusted in Cryptshare mails

Under the node <AvailableGuiLanguages> the file contains checksums of language packages. These are required to detect if a later version of a specific language pack for the UI is available on the server. If so, Cryptshare for Outlook will download the updated language pack and the checksum. Please do not modify the contents of these nodes.