CSSCurrent en:Meta Data Configuration

Aus Cryptshare Documentation
Version vom 29. April 2022, 14:01 Uhr von imported>Riestererd (Updated the information about velocity context from 4.7)
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Each archiving connector can write meta information in form of an additional file to the archiving directory of each archived transfer. The format of this file, the file name and its contents are fully customizable. Each archiving connector is pre-configured with a default template in form of an Apache Velocity Template.

Velocity Context

The Velocity Context of the template includes all information which might be relevant for archiving.

Click to see an overview of available data in the Velocity Context used for archiving ...

Apache Velocity

Context Variable Object Description
${date} Modified version of Apache DateTool with additional support for the 'LocalDateTime' type Grants access to date utility methods in order to perform tasks related to dates, such as formatting a date into a human-readable format.
${number} Apache NumberTool Grants access to number utility methods in order to perform tasks related to numbers (Integers, Float, etc.), such as converting floating point numbers to integers.
${math} Apache MathTool Grants access to math utility methods in order to perform calculation tasks, such as adding numbers.
${esc} Apache EscapeTool Grants access to escape utility methods in order to escape certain template output such as email addresses.


Update Cryptshare Version to
The behaviour of "provisionDate" and "expirationDate" was changed with the update to 4.7.0

Changed Velocity Context variables in 4.7.0

Usage of context variables
Not all context variables can be used to adjust the file name (e.g. for the meta-data file), because their contents possibly contain invalid characters for a file name or their contents represent a list of elements whose contents cannot be accessed directly.
Context Variable Type Description Using for Filename Using for Meta-Data content
${trackingId} String A Cryptshare Tracking ID is a unique id for a single Cryptshare Transfer. Check.svg Check.svg
${provisionDate} LocalDateTime The date when a Cryptshare Transfer was provided. Check.svg Check.svg
${expirationDate} LocalDateTime The date when a Cryptshare Transfer will expire. Check.svg Check.svg
${product} String An identifier for the product which provided the transfer, for instance Cryptshare for Outlook. Check.svg Check.svg
${classification} String The classification used to tag a Cryptshare transfer. Check.svg
${message} String The notification message that was written in order to inform the recipients about a transfer. Check.svg
${subject} String The notification subject used for the notification message sent to the recipients of a transfer. Check.svg Check.svg
${encryptedMessage} String The confidential message that was attached to the transfer. Check.svg
${encryptedSubject} String The confidential message subject used for the confidential message. Check.svg Check.svg
${sender.name} String The name of the sender. Check.svg Check.svg
${sender.phone} String The phone number of the sender. Check.svg Check.svg
${sender.email} String The email address of the sender. Check.svg Check.svg
${sender.ipAddress} String The IP address of the sender. Check.svg Check.svg
${recipients} List The recipients of a transfer. Check.svg
<recipient> Object Provides access to recipient attributes such as the email address. Check.svg
${<recipient>.email} String Email address of a recipient. Check.svg
${<recipient>.metaId} String The transfer id of a recipient. Check.svg
${fileChecksumAlgorithm} String The used file checksum algorithm of a transfer Check.svg Check.svg
${files} List The files in a transfer. Check.svg
<file> Object Provides access to transfer file attributes such as the file name. Check.svg
${<file>.name} String The original name of a transfer file. Check.svg
${<file>.encryptedName} String The encrypted name of a transfer file. Check.svg
${<file>.size} long The file size of a transfer file in bytes. Check.svg
${<file>.checksum} String The checksum of a transfer file (using checksum algorithm specified by ${fileChecksumAlgorithm}). Check.svg
${options} Object Provides access to transfer options such as the selected password mode. Check.svg
${options.passwordMode} String The password mode used for a transfer. Check.svg Check.svg
${options.showFilenames} boolean Whether transfer notifications show the original file names or not. Check.svg Check.svg
${options.uploadNotificationEnabled} boolean Whether the sender will be informed when the upload is available for the recipients. Check.svg Check.svg
${options.downloadNotificationEnabled} boolean Whether the sender will be informed when recipients have downloaded files from the transfer. Check.svg Check.svg

The Meta-Data File

File Name

For each archived transfer a meta-data file is written to the archiving directory named by the name template specified in the meta-data settings. 17 Metadatenkonfiguration EN.png

For the file name of the meta-file also exists access to the Meta-Data Settings mentioned above. This means that for the file name the marked transfer information is available as well.

A transfer is provided having the tracking-id '20170822-114019-3a4efd0d'. Together with a configuration shown in the above screenshot the meta-data file name will be 'meta-info\_20170822-114019-3a4efd0d.xml'.

Meta-Data Content

There are 2 available templates for meta-data content. One for the legacy connector and the other for both, the local file system connector and the secure copy connector. For all connector types the contents can be changed as required for the archiving system in use. The pre-configured templates are only examples.