CSSCurrent en:HTML Email Templates

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Version vom 22. Dezember 2021, 10:39 Uhr von imported>Rillingf
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The HTML email templates are part of the Cryptshare Language Packages and can be customized for each product individually. For instance, if it is desired to have a different layout or wording for the recipient-notification when performing a transfer via the Cryptshare Robot an additional language package for the Cryptshare Robot can be installed which will override the default-template for the recipient-notification.

Structure of an email template

All email templates reside within the 'templates' directory of a language package. Each sub-folder in this directory represents the template for a specific kind of email. Each template consists of template components and configuration files. The order of each component within the assembled template can be overridden in the configuration file of the respective template. The default order is as follows:

  • Header
  • Message
  • Footer
  • Signature
Configuration Files
Configuration files (conf\*.properties) contain template settings as well as text snippets for the templates.
Header files (head\*.html) contain the HTML markup for the email header section.
Message files (message\*.html) contain the HTML markup for the email message part.


Footer files (foot\*.html) contain the HTML markup for the email footer section. In general this section contains additional information.
Signature files (signature\*.html) contain the HTML markup for the signature section of the email.



Template Configuration


The template directory needs to contain certain files:

Location Name Mandatory Purpose
1 templates-root skeleton.html Yes This file contains the surrounding markup for the template components and shall never be changed or removed.
2 templates-root


conf\*.properties At least one global definition is required This file is used for the configuration of email templates and can define the following settings:
  • Part-Order Definition
  • Text-Snippets
3 templates-root


\*.html At least one global markup file is required HTML markup-component files: These files contain HTML Markup code for the different components of the email.


In order to understand how flexible templates can be customized and extended it is useful to know how the template-engine processes email templates.


A template only has to define those resources which shall be different for this specific template. Everything that is not specifically defined for this template will be inherited from the definitions of the parent-directory (templates-root). This includes settings, text-snippets as well as HTML markup.

Language fallback

If the fallback language is installed ('en:english' - these files do not have an iso-code within the file name), settings, text-snippets or HTML markup will be loaded from this package if the requested language is not available.


It is not recommended to directly modify the HTML markup. All customizations should be done by modifying the configuration files (conf\*.properties). Changes to the markup files can otherwise cause layout problems or even failures in the template-engine.

Please note that the email header logo is NOT part of the ui-package. You can change the logo via the Administration Interface.

Changing Colors

Please note, that the the colors for email templates are NOT part of the ui-package. You can change the colors for the email Layout via the Administration Interface.

Changing the order of template components

The different template components appear in the order defined in the global template configuration file under 'template.order'.

Introducing additional components

It is also possible to introduce additional template components. For instance, if the administrator likes to put a special reminder into one of the notifications he can do so by adding an additional HTML markup file and adding it to the template-order definition:

  1. Create an additional template component (HTML Markup)
HTML Template Part Markup  Expand source

This is a custom text part.

It is recommended to simply copy an existing markup file (i.e. signature.html) and modify it in order to keep the table-layout intact. If the layout is not persistent, this can lead to undesired layout problems within email clients.
  1. Place the markup file either within the templates-root (so it can be applied to all templates via inheritance), or within a specific template folder.
  2. Add the new part to the template order definition

template.order = head,custom,message,foot,signature

Defining Text snippets

Within the HTML markup additional text snippets can be placed. Within the markup file these snippets can be referenced as follows:


For defining such a snippet, an additional property 'snippet.<variable\_name>' must be placed within the respective configuration file:


snippet.<variable\_name>=My own text snippet