CSSCurrent en:Import and Export of Policy Rules: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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(Policy rule details update)
(Adding foot notes)
Zeile 90: Zeile 90:
|3 <sup>1</sup>
|Sender pattern
|Sender pattern
|A comma, semicolon, or space separated list of email addresses, domains and regexes.
|A comma, semicolon, or space separated list of email addresses, domains and regexes.
Zeile 103: Zeile 103:
It is not possible, to define a rule where neither the sender pattern nor the recipient pattern is defined.
It is not possible, to define a rule where neither the sender pattern nor the recipient pattern is defined.
|4 <sup>1</sup>
|LDAP for sender pattern
|LDAP for sender pattern
|A valid string which resolves to unique LDAP user
|A valid string which resolves to unique LDAP user
Zeile 122: Zeile 122:
The existing policy rule would be updated with the new value of 'Sender network pattern'.
The existing policy rule would be updated with the new value of 'Sender network pattern'.
|6 <sup>2</sup>
|Recipient pattern
|Recipient pattern
|A comma, semicolon, or space separated list of email addresses, domains and regexes.
|A comma, semicolon, or space separated list of email addresses, domains and regexes.
Zeile 135: Zeile 135:
It is not possible, to define a rule where neither the sender pattern nor the recipient pattern is defined.
It is not possible, to define a rule where neither the sender pattern nor the recipient pattern is defined.
|7 <sup>2</sup>
|LDAP for recipient pattern
|LDAP for recipient pattern
|A valid string which resolves to unique LDAP user
|A valid string which resolves to unique LDAP user
Zeile 443: Zeile 443:

'''** This field can only contain a value if the associated feature is licensed. If not an error message will be shown.'''
'''** This field can only contain a value if the associated feature is licensed. If not an error message will be shown.'''
'''1 - This is mutually exclusive. Only one of this should have value at a time.'''
'''2 - This is mutually exclusive. Only one of this should have value at a time.'''


Version vom 7. März 2024, 14:08 Uhr

Exporting Policy Rules as CSV File

You can export existing policy rules as a CSV file to make more extensive changes or to obtain a tabular overview of all settings. The format of the CSV file is identical for export and import, see CSV File Format. This allows you to export individual or all policy rules, edit them in the exported file and then import them again to apply the changes.

Exporting Single Policy Rules

To get an export of a single policy rule, click on the export icon to the right side of a policy rule:


Apart from the header line, the generated CSV file contains only a single line that corresponds to the selected rule.

Exporting all policy rules

To export all existing policy rules, click on "Start Export" button above the policy rules table:

Policy-CSV-Export-All EN.png

Importing Policy Rules from a CSV File

In addition to using the "Create default rule" and "Create custom rule" buttons, you can create policy rules by importing a CSV file. It is also possible to update existing policy rules this way.

10 Policy-CSV-Import EN.png

Option 'Update existing rules'

When changes to existing rules are necessary, you are able to 'update existing rules' by using the option with the same name. By using the same name as the existing policy rules you define which rules should be updated. By not selecting the option 'Update existing rules' for each rule it is checked if there is already a rule with the same name. When there is no rule with the same name, the name is used as it was defined. When there is is a rule with the defined name, a new rule is created with a policy name extended with a suffix, e.g. 'rule name (2)'. By specifying a blank value for a column, no changes to this setting are performed. An exception to this are sender and recipient patterns. These patterns are added to existing entries instead of overwriting them.

CSV File Format

File Size Limitation

The CSV file may not be larger than 1 megabytes.

Optional delimiter definition

If the policies are written using a different delimiter than a semicolon, you need to define which delimiter was used for the file by adding a first line with the following definition:

Example:  sep=,

Optional definition of strings

In order to prevent splitting values into multiple column values that contain the delimiter, you are able to use double quotation marks to define a string.

"<String contents>"
Example: "Sending mails from external senders to the departments Marketing, Distribution, and Support"

By using double double quotation marks inside of strings, you are able to escape and add double quotation marks into the string.

Example: "Sending mails from external senders to the departments ""Marketing"", ""Distribution"", and ""Support"""results in the policy name:   Sending mails from external senders to the departments "Marketing", "Distribution", and "Support"

Required definition of headers

For easier understanding of the individual columns, it is necessary to specify a header line definition after the optional separator definition and before the policy rule lines. This header is also used to transparently display changes to the CSV import. Copy this header line into your csv file to get a valid csv file. Please note, if you use a separator other than the default semicolon, replace it with your custom separator in the header definition.

Required header line
Rule name;Rule type;Sender pattern;LDAP for sender pattern;Sender network pattern;Recipient pattern;LDAP for recipient pattern;Transfer size;Storage duration;Show filenames;Show filenames changeable;Download notification;Download notification changeable;Show zip content;Allow confidential message;Force confidential message;Allow notification editable;Standard password modes;QUICK password modes;Access protection;Security modes;Quick Default If Established;Signature;Sender address;Sender name;Subject;Mail format;Mail encoding;Mail image handling;Log messages and subjects;Log filenames;Log zip content;Pre-processing exit code;Pre-processing command;Pre-processing additional command arguments;Pre-processing error output source;Pre-processing search pattern;Pre-processing replacement pattern;Pre-processing file size limit behavior;Pre-processing file size limit;Pre-processing inform admin on failure;Archiving active;File type filter list

For versions prior to 6.2.0:

Required header line
Rule name;Rule type;Sender pattern;Recipient pattern;Transfer size;Storage duration;Show filenames;Show filenames changeable;Download notification;Download notification changeable;Show zip content;Allow confidential message;Force confidential message;Allow notification editable;Standard password modes;QUICK password modes;Access protection;Security modes;Quick Default If Established;Sender address;Sender name;Mail format;Mail encoding;Mail image handling;Log messages and subjects;Log filenames;Log zip content;Archiving active

Defining policy rules

Each policy has to be defined in a separate line with 29 columns each. Each column represents an own setting. Based on creating or modifying a rule, a blank value for a column has different results:

  • When a new rule is created, the defined default value is used, see below.
  • When updating an existing rule, the already set setting is used.
Column number Settings Allowed values Default value for new rules when a blank value is given Remarks for creating a new rule Remarks for updating existing rules
1 Rule name Arbitrary string (maximum 4000 characters) <Index> - <Date> - When there are already rules with the same name, the given name is appended with a generated suffix, e.g. 'Rule name (2)'. The rule name is used to determine which existing rules should be updated.
2 Rule type

Allow, Deny


Define an 'allow' or 'deny' rule.
3 1 Sender pattern A comma, semicolon, or space separated list of email addresses, domains and regexes.


Entries are assigned to the correct input field in the policy table automatically.

It is not possible, to define a rule where neither the sender pattern nor the recipient pattern is defined.

Defined email addresses, domains, and regexes are added and classified automatically to the existing list of sender patterns.

Already existing email address, domains, and regexes have to be deleted using the "current policy rules" table or the wizard. It is not possible, to define a rule where neither the sender pattern nor the recipient pattern is defined.

4 1 LDAP for sender pattern A valid string which resolves to unique LDAP user New ldap pattern is created and is assocaited with policy rule. The existing association will be updated with new value. An empty value is accepted here, provided there is a valid 'Sender pattern' exists.
5 Sender network pattern A string that matches
  • IPv4 with subnet mask (eg.
  • IPv6 (eg: 123:123:121:121:121:121:121/23 )
The newly created Policy Rule will have the value of 'Sender network pattern'. If there exists a 'Sender network pattern', that would be removed.

The existing policy rule would be updated with the new value of 'Sender network pattern'.

6 2 Recipient pattern A comma, semicolon, or space separated list of email addresses, domains and regexes.


Entries are assigned to the correct input field in the policy table automatically.

It is not possible, to define a rule where neither the sender pattern nor the recipient pattern is defined.

Defined email addresses, domains, and regexes are added and classified automatically to the existing list of recipient patterns.

Already existing email address, domains, and regexes have to be deleted using the "current policy rules" table or the wizard. It is not possible, to define a rule where neither the sender pattern nor the recipient pattern is defined.

7 2 LDAP for recipient pattern A valid string which resolves to unique LDAP user New ldap pattern is created and is assocaited with policy rule The existing association is updated with new value
8 Transfer size Positive numbers (> 10) The value specified in Transfer Settings for maximum transfer size in megabytes.
9 Storage duration Positive numbers (>1) The value specified in Transfer Settings for  storage duration in days.
10 Show filenames Boolean value (0 - false, 1 - true) The value specified in Mail Settings for show filenames in transfers.
11 Show filenames changeable Boolean value (0 - false, 1 - true) The value specified in Mail Settings for show filenames in transfers changeable.
12 Download notification Boolean value (0 - false, 1 - true) The value specified in Mail Settings for download notification on file retrieval.
13 Download notification changeable Boolean value (0 - false, 1 - true) The value specified in Mail Settings for download notification on file retrieval changeable.
14 Show zip content Boolean value (0 - false, 1 - true) The value specified in Mail Settings  for show zip contents.
15 Allow confidential message Boolean value (0 - false, 1 - true) The value specified in Mail Settings for allow confidential message.
16 Force confidential message Boolean value (0 - false, 1 - true) The value specified in Mail Settings for force confidential message.
17 Allow notification editable Boolean value (0 - false, 1 - true) The value specified in Mail Settings for allow edit recipient notification.
18 Standard password modes A comma, semicolon, or space separated list of "none", "generated" or "manual. The value specified in Password Policy for standard password modes.
19 Quick password modes  A comma, semicolon, or space separated list of "none", "generated" or "manual. The value specified in Password Policy for Quick password modes.
20 Access protection lock, delete The value specified in Download Security for access protection.
21 Available security modes A comma, semicolon, or space separated list of  "password", "quick" or "id\_provider". The value in the security settings for activated security modes.

The first listed security mode will be used as default security mode. id\_provider is only selectable when the installed licence allows the use of id providers.

22 QUICK default only if established Boolean value (0 - false, 1 - true) The value in the security settings if QUICK should be default if a quick connection is already established.

This setting can only be selected with true if

  • QUICK is an available security mode,
  • QUICK is not the default security mode, and
  • QUICK is not the only available security mode.
23 Signature The name of a pre-configured signature. No default value, can be empty. New Signature is been added and is associated with policy rule. The policy rule will be updated with new signature.
24 Sender address Valid mail address (maximum 320 characters) The value specified in Mail Server Settings for sender address
25 Sender name Arbitrary string (maximum 4000 characters) The value specified in Mail Server Settings for sender name
26 Subject The label of a pre configured subject. No default value, can be empty. New subject is been added and is associated with policy rule. The policy rule will be updated with new Subject.
27 Mail format mixed, multipart, html, plain The value specified in Mail Server Settings for mail format
28 Mail encoding binary, 7bit, 8bit, base64, quoted-printable The value specified in Mail Server Settings for mail encoding
29 Mail image handling external, embedded, multipart, hidden The value specified in Mail Server Settings for images
30 Log messages and subjects Boolean value (0 - false, 1 - true) The value specified in Log Settings for log messages and subjects
31 Log filenames Boolean value (0 - false, 1 - true) The value specified in Log Settings for log filenames
32 Log zip content Boolean value (0 - false, 1 - true) The value specified in Log Settings for log zip content
33 Pre-processing exit code A valid Integer within range (-2147483648 to +2147483647) 0 New preprocessing with exit code  is been added to new policy rule. The existing policy rule is updated with the new  exit code.
34 Pre-processing command Arbitrary string (maximum 4000 characters) No default value, can be empty. New commands are been added to the pre-processig of the new policy rule. Commands of the the pre-processing of the policy rule will be updated.
35 Pre-processing additional command arguments Comma seperated strings (maximum 4000 characters each item). No default value, can be empty. New arguments are added to existing pre-processing of the policy rule The command arguments of the the pre-processing of the policy rule will be updated.
36 Pre-processing error output source One of the following value





none The output source is set to the pre-processing config of the policy rule. The output source of the the pre-processing of the policy rule will be updated.
371 Pre-processing search pattern Arbitrary string (maximum 4000 characters) No default value, can be empty. New search pattern is added to the pre-processing config of the policy rule. The search pattern of the the pre-processing of the policy rule will be updated.
381 Pre-processing replacement pattern Arbitrary string (maximum 4000 characters) No default value, can be empty. New replacement pattern is addedto the pre-processing config of the policy rule. The replacement pattern of the the pre-processing of the policy rule will be updated.
39 Pre-processing file size limit behavior One of the following value



skip The file size limit behavior is set to the pre-processing config of the policy rule. The file size limit behavior of the the pre-processing of the policy rule will be updated.
40 Pre-processing file size limit A valid Integer within range

(0 and 10000000)

Blank value is not accepted. The given file size limit is set to the pre-processing config of the policy rule. The file size limit of the the pre-processing of the policy rule will be updated.
41 Pre-processing inform admin on failure Boolean value (0 - false, 1 - true) 0 The given flag is set to the pre-processing config of the policy rule. The given flag is set to the pre-processing of the policy rule will be updated.
42 Archiving active Boolean value (0 - false, 1 - true) The value specified in Archiving Connection Settings for enable archiving for new policy rules
43** File type filter list Name of an existing file type list (can be empty) If not specified no file type list will be assigned to the policy If the imported value is empty any existing file type list assignment of the policy will be overwritten with an empty assignment.

* One of these 2 colums has to be set for a valid policy rule. The other values can be left empty (but it is necessary to specify the correct amount of separators).

** This field can only contain a value if the associated feature is licensed. If not an error message will be shown.

1 - This is mutually exclusive. Only one of this should have value at a time.

2 - This is mutually exclusive. Only one of this should have value at a time.


Below is an example of the contents of a CSV file including a single policy:

//TODO: give a .csv example

"Rule name";"Rule type";"Sender pattern";"LDAP for sender pattern";"Sender network pattern";"Recipient pattern";"LDAP for recipient pattern";"Transfer size";"Storage duration";"Show filenames";"Show filenames changeable";"Download notification";"Download notification changeable";"Show zip content";"Allow confidential message";"Force confidential message";"Allow notification editable";"Standard password modes";"QUICK password modes";"Access protection";"Security modes";"Quick Default If Established";"Signature";"Sender address";"Sender name";"Subject";"Mail format";"Mail encoding";"Mail image handling";"Log messages and subjects";"Log filenames";"Log zip content";"Pre-processing exit code";"Pre-processing command";"Pre-processing additional command arguments";"Pre-processing error output source";"Pre-processing search pattern";"Pre-processing replacement pattern";"Pre-processing file size limit behavior";"Pre-processing file size limit";"Pre-processing inform admin on failure";"Archiving active";"File type filter list"
"4 - 2024-02-12 - 13:17:10";"Allow";".*";"";"";"cs4qa.com,cryptshare.com,cs4otest.com,befine-solutions.com,befine-solutions.de,befinetest.com,befinetest.de,cryptshare.de,csn4qa.com,cso4qa.com,cs4ntest.com,cryptsharedev.onmicrosoft.com";"";"2048";"10";"1";"1";"1";"1";"0";"1";"0";"1";"manual,generated";"manual,generated";"lock";"password,quick";"1";"Hello Signature";"cryptshare@example.com";"Cryptshare";"";"multipart";"quoted-printable";"external";"0";"1";"0";"0";"";"";"combined";"helloSearch";"HelloReplace";"skip";"0";"1";"0";""