CKB:Setting up Management Interface (IPMI)

Aus Cryptshare Documentation
Version vom 14. Januar 2022, 12:46 Uhr von Hartwigr (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Applies to:

Cryptshare Hardware Appliance


This article describes how to establish a IPMI connection to your Cryptshare Hardware Appliance. If you would like to get further information about IPMI please follow this link.


1. first a connection via the IPMI interface with a network cable must be set up

45515683.png 2. boot into BIOS and navigate to IPMI tab


3. select yes at Update IPMI LAN Configuration and enter a static IP address or select DHCP.

For security reasons, this IP address must not be openly accessible from the Internet.

4. Save changes and restart after set up network configuration. 4. now you can connect via browser to the set up IP address 45515685.png

The default log in credentials are ADMIN / ADMIN

5. once you are logged in you can check the hardware information of your system, the server health, an event log and have remote control of the system


Mounting virtual media

Please make sure the latest Oracle Java or AdoptOpenJDK 8 LTS with IcedTea-Web is installed on your client.

On IPMI web interface select Remote ControlConsole RedirectionLaunch Console.


Depending on settings on your system the console will be opened immediately or launch.jnlp file will be downloaded. To run this file use javaws (by Oracle Java) or IcedTea-Web tool (by AdoptOpenJDK).

In the console navigate to Virtual Media → Virtual Storage and select your ISO File → Open Image → Open → Plug in

65671627.png 65671629.png

Power on or restart your server, open BIOS settings, navigate to Boot, activate virtual CD/DVD and restart the device on pressing F4 or using Save Changes and Reset in Save & Exit menu.
