CKB:Restart the Cryptshare service during update process

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Applies To

All versions of the Cryptshare Server


During the Cryptshare update it is unclear whether the update process is still running.


This can happen if the database is large and the update process makes changes to the database after starting an update of the Cryptshare Server (see Updating Cryptshare).


  • log in as root on the Cryptshare Appliance
  • Check the output of the log using the following command:
tail -f /opt/cryptshare-3/log/cryptshare.log
  • Additionally, you can check if the database file is still being worked on looking at the contents and file sizes of the 'db' directory in the cryptshare installation directory.
watch du -sh /opt/cryptshare-3/db/*

If there are temporary files listed, or the database size changes from time to time, the update of the database is still ongoing.