CKB:Outlook crashes sporadically when Third Party Add-ins are also enabled

Aus Cryptshare Documentation
Version vom 17. Februar 2022, 10:27 Uhr von Hartwigr (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Applies to:

Cryptshare for Outlook 2.7.0 and higher


When the user performs regular work in Outlook, e.g. switching between different emails, and a third party Outlook Add-in (for example ESET) is also enabled, Outlook crashes sporadically with different error messages or warnings.


This issue is caused by a incompatibility between Cryptshare for Outlook and third party Outlook Add-ins, in particular by how the "change between different email items" event is handled.

Solution / Workaround:

We are actively working on a solution to resolve the issue. In the meantime, you may disable the feature that checks the selected item for sensitive information and forces the activation of Cryptshare upon replying or forwarding that email. Please refer to the release notes of version 2.7.0 for a more detailed explanation of this feature.

This feature is disabled by editing the file %APPDATA%\befine Solutions AG\Cryptshare for Outlook V2\CS4OutlookUserConfig.xml and setting the flag DoNotActivateCryptshareWhenInteractingWithSensitiveInformation to true.




You may also add this entry to the CS4OutlookUserConfig.xml file that you want to distribute to all users.