CSNCurrent en:Release Notes: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 71: Zeile 71:
*Preparation of character encoding to UTF-8 for later addition of other languages.
*Preparation of character encoding to UTF-8 for later addition of other languages.
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Zeile 81: Zeile 82:
*Various help text extensions  
*Various help text extensions  
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Aktuelle Version vom 3. Juni 2024, 07:40 Uhr

Download Software Updates
The latest software versions of Cryptshare for Notes are available for download from the customer and partner area on our website to licensed customers.
Version 2.16.1 Bemerkung
New Functionality Cryptshare for Notes application (cryptshare.nsf)
  • Additional support for Domino V14 and later.
Behobene Probleme Cryptshare for Notes Anwendung (cryptshare.nsf)
  • Fixed multiple sending of mails when the threshold for sending a mail with Cryptshare has been reached and the configuration is set to send to internal recipients of the user's choice.
Version 2.16.0 Comments
New Functionality Cryptshare for Notes application (cryptshare.nsf)
  • Individual setting for sending to internal recipients without the bypass via the Cryptshare server.
  • Individual improvements in the presentation of information on password quality.
  • Display of a progress bar when taking over status documents from a previous version during the update process.
Resolved Issues Cryptshare for Notes application (cryptshare.nsf)
  • Inclusion of embedded attachments in the transfer for automatically generated mails.
  • Correction of the notification when sending a transfer without password.
  • Correct display of information on minimum password length.
  • Apply default settings when transferring copied mails received via Cryptshare.
  • Enhanced plausibility check to avoid duplicate sending of transations with internal and external recipients.
  • Correction of an error message when sending a message via the smart icon.
Version 2.15.0 Comments
New Functionality Cryptshare for Notes application (cryptshare.nsf)
  • Added tracking ID in sender notification.
  • Improved compatibility for mobile devices.
  • Configuration: check if transfer folder exists on server.
  • Configuration: option to send mails to internal recipients without the round trip via Cryptshare Server.
  • Configuration: routine to reset configuration into an initial state (reset).
  • Configuration: optimisation for importing configuration settings (also reflecting language files).
Resolved Issues Cryptshare for Notes application (cryptshare.nsf)
  • Embedded mail integration (in personal mail box) does not interfere with print margins.
  • Skipped - but transferred - files from preprocessing (on Cryptshare Server) are no longer treated as errors.
  • Optimisation on appending rich text item contents (allow positioning of templates before / after mail body).
  • Optimisation on error routines.
Version 2.14.2 Comments
New Functionality Cryptshare for Notes application (cryptshare.nsf)
  • Removed the unneeded option from the configuration to specify the order in which the message is composed when it is sent.
Resolved Issues Cryptshare for Notes application (cryptshare.nsf)
  • Correction of an incorrectly resolved placeholder in the notification from the pre-processing of the transfer.
  • Removal of the hints of debug information in the status bar.
  • Completion of translations for the languages DE, EN, ES, FR, IT, NL.
  • Preparation of character encoding to UTF-8 for later addition of other languages.
The following list is available for historical reasons. All version beneath this paragraph have no entitlement to any kind of support.
Version 2.14.1 Comments
Resolved Issues Cryptshare for Notes application (cryptshare.nsf)
  • Fixed a problem in the configuration when reinstalling Cryptshare for Notes.
  • Various help text extensions
Version 2.14.0 Comments
New Functionality Cryptshare for Notes application (cryptshare.nsf)
  • File type filter function for sending (allow/block) file attachments has been added.
  • Server settings for the Cryptshare for Notes Log application and for the names.nsf are determined dynamically based on the Cryptshare for Notes application. This means that configurations in multi-server operation (replicas) are now possible.
  • AHA button for creating customer requests in the Cryptshare for Notes e-mail can now be hidden via configuration.
  • EML file storage application for saving imported EML files can be freely defined via Notes INI entry (CS4N_EMLTargetApp).
  • Added new password mode setting in configuration. (New mode: "no password" and "automatic password")
  • In the optional e-mail archiving, you can now set whether only the original e-mail or the entire e-mail correspondence should be archived.
  • Renaming of INI variables to help identify them clearly with the application itself (CS4N instead of BEFINE).
Resolved Issues Cryptshare for Notes Anwendung (cryptshare.nsf)
  • Various help texts have been revised
  • "Confirm delivery" checkbox is now displayed in all relevant delivery options.
  • Problem with saving a configuration backup in read mode has been fixed.
  • Cryptshare WEB Server API now returns the correct error number in the event of any errors.
  • Fixed 32K byte error message when saving/processing EML transfers.
  • If the mail.box is corrupt, the mails to be transferred now remain in their original state in the Cryptshare for Notes inbox.
  • The application's interface has been optimized for the Notes font sizes "Normal" and "Large Font".
Version 2.13.0 Comments
New Functionality
  • Setting option for highlighting input fields (support for high-contrast display).
  • Use of the entire input mask also possible via the keyboard only
Resolved Issues Cryptshare for Notes Anwendung (cryptshare.nsf)
  • Fixed security problem in status documents with use of reader fields
  • Avoidance of ECL security hint when executing the action to add the Cryptshare for Notes smart icon
Version 2.12.1 Comments
Resolved Issues Cryptshare for Notes application (cryptshare.nsf)

Security problem fixed. It was possible to display hidden views in the Cryptshare for Notes application using the HCL Notes standard key function CTRL + Shift.

This would have made it possible for unauthorized users to see new e-mails from other employees that had been delivered via Domino server rules in the inbox

for a short time.

Version 2.12.0 Comments
New Functionality
  • "Make a wish" function for reporting improvements / suggestions has been added.
  • Function for creating a support e-mail with all necessary elementary data has been added.
  • For e-mail integration in the personal mailbox, a minimum size threshold can now be configured for the mandatory sending of e-mails with file attachments.
  • Sending options can be saved as default settings for individual users.
  • It is now possible to save CS e-mails when they are called up via CS Smart Icon from and in functional mailboxes.
  • Additional password option setting for manually created e-mails has been included.
  • The e-mail password sending options are now also logged in the document status.
  • E-mail sending options for operation in the Atruvia AG cloud can now be set.

(Data centre of the German Volks- und Raiffeisenbanken)

Resolved Issues
  • Placeholders for CS error mails are now resolved again.
  • Version check has been optimised.
Version 2.11.2 Comments
Resolved Issues Cryptshare for Notes application (cryptshare.nsf)
  • Security problem fixed.

When sending Cryptshare messages internally with the send option "entire e-mail (text and file attachment)", the first words of the message were displayed in the recipient's personal mailbox (with the mailbox setting "Show->Begin message"). The problem only occurred if the message was sent to a recipient within the own domain.

Version 2.11.1 Comments
Resolved Issues Cryptshare for Notes application (cryptshare.nsf)
  • Fixed a problem with sending EML transfers without attachments.
  • Fixed a problem with minimum configuration in connection with EML transfers.
  • Fixed a problem with email header fields for automated download in MS Outlook.
  • Unnecessary error messages in the CS4N Log application when exiting the password field have been removed.
  • Cleanup and optimization of the CS4N Notes INI entries.
  • Corrected a misspelling in the Dutch download notification.
Version 2.11.0 Comments
New Functionality E-mail integration in your personal mailbox
  • Time behavior when opening an e-mail has been significantly optimized.
  • Encryption option for all Cryptshare emails (incoming and outgoing Cryptshare emails) with the ID of the mailbox owner has been added

Cryptshare for Notes application (cryptshare.nsf)

  • E-mail templates for the Cryptshare mails have been updated.
  • Callback function for transfers that have already been sent has been added.
  • Extensive plausibility checks in the Cryptshare for Notes configuration have been added.
  • The functionality of the update assistant has been extended.
  • The logging of the JAVA agents has been expanded to include the JAVA API version number and the application source.
Version 2.10.2 Comments
Resolved Issues E-mail integration in your personal mailbox
  • When printing e-mails, the creation date of the e-mail is now also printed out.
  • E-mails that are displayed in "preview mode" in Notes 11.0.1 can now also be deleted.
  • The graphic elements for the password quality check have been removed from the replay and forwarding form.

Integration in third party applications

  • When using Cryptshare for Notes in third-party applications, it is now also possible to save e-mails, although the "On Close: Present mail send dialog" is deactivated in the design of the memo form.

CS4N application

  • Rule based E-mails without file attachments that have been submitted to CS4N can now be sent as an EML files.
  • The LOG console notice about missing CS4N Notes INI entries is only displayed in the front end and in the CS4N log. No longer in the Domino console.
Version 2.10.1 Comments
New Functionality
  • The configuration setting "always send with manual password" is now available.
  • The sender name of the Cryptshare for Notes application for the confirmation mail to the sender is now freely configurable.
  • Function for checking for new updates of the Cryptshare for Notes version added.
Resolved Issues Integration into personal mail file
  • Fixed an error in the authorization structure when creating Cryptshare emails in the personal mailbox with "Author" authorization in the Cryptshare for Notes application.
  • Problem with sending reply emails via Cryptshare for Notes with activated spell check has been fixed.
  • Emails can now also be stationary saved with file attachments as a template.
  • Emails can now also be stationary saved as a template with a stored password.

CS4N application

  • When sending emails directly from the Cryptshare for Notes application, the personal address book of the current user is now also taken into account.
  • When deleting the client.store configuration file, an error message is now displayed if it cannot be deleted due to use by the operating system.
  • The case where the email text was sent to the sender in the wrong language under special conditions has been fixed.
  • The case where the email was sent to the sender with the wrong email text when the password information was manually blocked has been fixed.
  • It is now checked when sending e-mails whether the file attachments are larger than 0 bytes.
  • Naue JAVA API with improved logging behavior.
  • Cryptshare logos changes and several minor UI adjustments have been made.
Version 2.10.0 Comments
New Functionality
  • The password quality settings will now reflect those of the Cryptshare server. The user will now be shown if a manually entered password matches the password policy on the server.
  • During manuall password entry, the password can also be shown in plain text.
  • MailIn DB’s with their own SMTP e-mail address can now be used as the sender of an e-mail.
  • When sending e-mails from CS4N using the e-mail integration in a personal mail file, all recipients will be checked to ensure there is a valid sender/recipient combination according to the Cryptshare server policy settings.
  • EML transfers (Mail and File attachments) can now be configured so that files are always completely integrated into the EML file, are always presented separately from the EML file or the behaviour is depending on the attachment size. 
  • Automatically generated passwords now reflect the policy settings of the Cryptshare server.
  • The e-mail upload agent can now be configured to use a specific server. This allows the use of multiple replicas of Cryptshare.nsf on different, non-clustered servers.
  • It is now possible to enable or disable the sender confirmation and delivery notification e-mail for rule based e-mail delivery.
  • Improved attachment checks when saving in a personal mailbox.
  • Improved error messages when saving in the personal mailbox in case the CS4N application is offline.
  • The Cryptshare for Notes Widget has been discontinued.
  • E-mail sender notation is now freely configurable e.g SMTP, Notes format, <Alias> SMTP.
  • Added a new status view "by recipient".
  • Added a delete function for all log entries in the Cryptshare for Notes log application.
  • Added a warning for inactive upload agent.
  • CS4N Toolbar button (previously known as Smarticon) email can now be created completely.
  • CS4N Toolbar button email for uninstall can now be created completely.
  • TLS V1.2 is now supported by default.
Resolved Issues
  • E-mails that should be delivered via a server rule that get stuck in the outbox can now be opened and edited using the CS4N memo form if the user has the appropriate rights to do so.
  • When using a Notes stationary with pre-populated recipients to create a Cryptshare message and manually adding further recipients these will now also be notified.
  • Recipient e-mail addresses will now be added to the fields (To, Cc, Bcc) in the e-mail, in which they were originally entered by the sender.
  • Senders with umlauts in their names will now be displayed correctly to the recipient.
  • Fixed miscellaneous formatting problems in the CS4N configuration.
  • The name of the ZIP file for the complete download from the Cryptshare server is now correct.
  • Notes e-mail addresses will now be displayed In the recipient's e-mail as a SMTP addresses.
  • SMTP e-mail addresses will no longer appear in the header info of the mail when sending e-mails from the personal mail file.
  • Revised opening the Domino server rule document from within the CS4N configuration.
  • Improved recipient check for emails with duplicate recipients. When using the same recipient in multiple fields, the recipient will only be addressed using the field with the highest priority (field priority order is To, Cc, Bcc).
  • Saving the CS4N log entries in the CS4N application is no longer possible.
  • Form name "memo" was renamed to "Memo" to allow easier integration into the GBS iQ.Suite.
  • Fixed incorrect e-mail notification when using manual password entry in the personal mail file.
  • The filename list in the notification emails for the sender now functions correctly under Linux.
  • Improved configuration for the saving of file attachments in a personal mail file
  • Improved configuration relating to sending options of manual or rule based e-mails.
  • Fixed double confirmation of incoming EML transfers from the personal mail file.
  • The behavior of the CS4N mail integration in the personal mail file in case of connection problems has been optimised.
  • Improved validation when saving the CS4N configuration.
  • The CS4N API now uses Java 1.8.
  • The CS4N configuration was revised for English Notes clients.
  • The transfer threshold check is now correct.
  • For e-mails that were sent using the CS4N mail integration which contained an automatically generated password, a verification email with the password will now always be triggered.
  • The configuration for minimum transfer size was removed.
Version 2.9.1 Comments
Resolved Issues Integration into personal mail file
  • Wrong validation dialog shown when trying to send an email when “Complete E-Mail (Text and Attachments)” was selected.
  • Imported EML emails (those sent with “Complete E-Mail (Text and Attachment)”) will now be shown with the correct fields in the user’s mailbox.
  • When “Cryptshare for Notes” is integrated into mailboxes the standard mail functionality will continue to work even if the necessary INI entries for “Cryptshare for Notes“ are missing. A corresponding message will be shown to the user.

CS4N application

  • BCC recipients will no longer be shown to the recipient when “Complete E-Mail (Text and Attachment)” is selected.
  • Emails with many recipients will now be correctly transferred into Cryptshare when using the CS4N SmartIcon.
  • All emails will now be archived if the Cryptshare archive functionality is enabled (original, upload email for the sender and download email for the recipient).
  • The subject line of emails sent via Cryptshare can now be automatically prefixed or suffixed so that the user can see easily whether an email was sent via Cryptshare.
  • The editor rights for emails in the outgoing mail queue are now controlled via the role [EmailEditor].
  • If the user clicks Update in the Tab “Rules” and the environment is set to use the English language, the available languages will now be listed in English instead of German.
  • The size of the “Cryptshare for Notes” SmartIcon has been optimized for different resolutions.
  • If the “max. size of files to be transferred” in the “Cryptshare Server” tab is changed via an update action, then the user will be informed that the individual maximum upload size must be amended appropriately (Under the tabs: Rights, Transfer Rights).
  • The column “Recipient” in the outgoing mail queue in “Cryptshare for Notes” now shows all recipients including BCC and CC recipients.
  • Updated “Installation Checklist” in the user handbook.
  • The minimum password length of 5 characters will now be checked upon import from the Cryptshare webserver.
  • When importing the configuration data from the Cryptshare server, the minimum password length setting is checked to ensure that there are more than 5 characters. If this is not the case then an error will be displayed.
Version 2.9.0 Comments
New functionality Integration into personal mail file
  • A check for an existing SMTP address has been added when sending.
  • Size limit and threshold configuration is now also taken into account in e-mail integration.
  • Check for activated Notes email encryption has been added when sending.

CS4N application

  • Added syntax check when saving proxy configuration settings.
  • Basic check for completeness of minimal configuration settings has been added to cryptshare.nsf.
Resolved issues Integration into personal mail file
  • CS4N tag in the subject field of an outbound e-mail is no longer inserted multiple times when forwarding, responding, or re-editing.
  • Missing Dutch dialog has been added when saving an e-mail.
  • Date and the complete subject of the email is displayed again when printing e-mails from the personal mailbox.

CS4N Application

  • CS4N email template for excessive lay time notification of outbound messages has been extended.
  • CS4N email templates for the sender and the recipients have been adapted to the Cryptshare server design.
  • Problem with saving EML files with Domino servers under UNIX / Linux operating systems has been fixed.
  • Fixed problem reading incomplete path from Notes.INI file.
  • German error message in the English Notes client when changing agent settings in the CS4N configuration has been corrected.
  • Various minor optical design adjustments

CS4N Forwarder

  • Incorrect display in the CS4N Forwarder view "Forwarding e-mails" for e-mails to be sent in EML format has been fixed.
Version 2.8.1 Comments
New functionality
  • Any special characters can now be used in the password.
  • The error logging has been extended for the case that messages which are processed based on rules are addressed to groups in which at least one recipient does not have a valid SMTP e-mail address. In this case, the group and the invalid recipients are now logged including a link to the causing e-mail message.
  • The version number is now displayed in the upper right corner of all applications.
  • A link to the release notes has been added to the navigation.
Resolved issues
  • The option "Confirm upload" in the mailfile integration has been fixed.
  • A sporadic issue has been fixed which occurred when choosing "No" in the dialog "Keep a copy of this message in your personal mail file?".
  • An issue has been resolved which occurred when saving an e-mail in a personal mail file which was based on a v8 mail template.
  • The layout in the CS4N e-mail form has been improved.
  • A sporadic issue with the Notes logger has been resolved which occurred when using passwords with certain special characters.
Version 2.8.0 Comments
New functionality
  • Integration of Cryptshare for Notes functionality into the IBM Notes e-mail template now optionally available.
  • Integrated new API v2.8.0 including several bug fixes and extended logging capabilities.
  • API v2.8.0 now sends log feedback into the CS4N Log application rather than to the Domino Server console.
  • The "Send" button in CS4N can be configured to behave identical to the configuration of the "Send" button in the Notes Mailfile on the specific client computer (Always send/ Always send and save/Always ask).
  • New placeholder "{file name}" is now available for notification message texts.
  • New placeholder "{company sender}" containing the sender's company name is now available for notification message texts.
  • Total redesign of notification mails.
  • Added description for Widget configuration under Notes 9.x to the manual.
  • When entering passwords manually, any illegal characters in the password are now listed.
  • The status views of the CS4N application now show the total size of attachments.
  • New status view "by date"
  • The sent message in the personal mail file now contains information that this message has been sent via Cryptshare.
  • The sent message in the personal mail file now contains information whether a message sent via Cryptshare has been sent as secure e-mail or if only the attachments have been sent securely.
  • The sender can select in the memo form if he wants to receive a confirmation when his data have been successfully made available on the Cryptshare Server.
  • Senders can now select if the subject line of a confidential message should also be sent confidential or not. If yes, the notification to the recipient will contain a standard subject line.
  • When starting the CS4N application, the system will check for minimal access rights in the ACL.
Administrative features
  • The Cryptshare for Notes manual is now available online at https://wiki.cryptshare.com
  • When saving the configuration of CS4N, the system will check if any characters have been defined as valid characters for passwords.
  • Several issues resolved regarding shown/hidden fields depending on configuration settings.
Resolved issues
  • The fields in the widget are now pre-populated with settings from previous use.
  • When opening the CS4N memo form, the system will check if all required configuration settings have already been made.
  • When opening the CS4N application the first time, it will now apply any language settings correctly.
  • Updated several graphic elements and their presentation in the user interface.
  • Field for the e-mail text is now shown in the agent monitoring configuration in the LOG database.
  • Fixed an issue with the link to enter the Client ID (Tab: Cryptshare Server)
  • The CS4N memo form can now also be used for replied-to and forwarded messages using the Cryptshare SmartIcon
  • Removed a duplicate entry for the placeholder {email sender} from the help text.
  • Fixed a wrong error message when using a password
  • Fixed a wrong error message when creating client.store file in the CS4N configuration.
  • Updated presets in the CS4N memo form when installing the system for the first time.
Version 2.7.1 Comments
Resolved issues A wrong dialog or no dialog window has been shown when clicking on the CS4N icon forwarding reply messages out of the personal mailfile.
Version 2.7.0 Comments
New functionality
  • The „Attach files“ button has been moved up from the e-mail text area into the attributes area in the e-mail form. Thus, the button remains visible even when scrolling down in the e-mail text area.
  • The set of allowed characters for manual password entry and for automatic password generation is now editable in the configuration area.
  • It is now configurable for manual and rule-based messages if the sender of the e-mail should receive an e-mail confirmation from the system to confirm the successful upload to the Cryptshare Server. Furthermore, it is configurable if this confirmation e-mail should contain the password used.
  • All buttons in the frontend have been changed to native Notes buttons so they can be used with the arrow and enter keys as well.
  • An erroneous message has been eliminated that appeared when clicking on the CS4N icon while no Notes application or e-mail was selected.
  • The automatic update function of the CS4N icon has been modified.
  • The rich text fields containing e-mail text templates in the CS4N admin area can now be cleared with one mouse click. This makes sure that all formatting settings are completely removed.
  • For the recipient the name of the e-mail sender is now displayed instead of the e-mail address (according to RFC conventions).
  • The design of the CS4N memo form and of all dialog boxes in the user frontend can now be customized in terms of colours. Additionally there are three standard design themes you can select from (Notes 8.x, Notes 9.x, white).
  • You can now see the server name
Resolved Issues
  • E-Mail addresses containing blank spaces are no longer accepted.
  • The order of plausibility checks has been rearranged for messages that should be saved in the personal mail file.
  • An issue has been resolved when saving manually created CS4N messages that should be sent as EML files and contained large graphics or attachments.
  • The rendering of messages into EML files now takes place in the backend speeding up the process significantly.
  • An issue during the rendering of messages with attachments into EML that has been caused by an automatically added carriage return has been resolved.
  • The name of the EML file is set according to the selected recipient language (“Confidential message.eml” in case of English, “Vertrauliche Nachricht.eml” for German etc.).
  • An issue with a duplicated form-field in the CS4N e-mail has been resolved.
  • Default access issue for messages created using the CS4N Widget has been resolved.
  • CS4N Logos have been updated to reflect the latest corporate design standards of Cryptshare AG.
  • The design of the CS4N memo form and the widget have been modernized.
  • Domino Server entries have been added to the system info dialog.
Version 2.6.0 Comments
New Functionality
  • Messages that are processed based on server-side rules can now also be sent as .EML files.
  • Users can now import a displayed .EML file into their personal mailfile’s inbox.
  • Status documents can now be deleted automatically after a configurable interval.
  • You can now modify the design of the user frontend. Colours of the e-mail form and the
  • Dialog boxes are now customizable.
  • Improved error message forwarding from the JAVA API to the CS4N Log on the Domino
  • Server.
  • New placeholders available for designing the recipient notification text (e.g. sender’s


Administrative Features
  • Some areas of the Admin Interface have been re-structured.
Resolved Issues
  • Messages created in Cryptshare for Notes can no longer be saved as drafts using Ctrl+S.
  • A German error code list was shown in the English Admin Frontend.
  • Depending on configuration settings, some notifications from the CS4N Log Application were sent in the interval that was set in the Agent settings, not in the interval defined in the Admin Interface.
  • Error messages in language files for status documents have been improved.
  • Directory Assistance can now be used without having to set explicit Reader Access for Cryptshare for Notes users.
  • Having the same recipient in the distribution list with and without capital letters no longer leads to an error message.
  • EML files can now be sent directly out of the CS4N Widget.
  • The CS4N Toolbar Icon can now handle Replies.
  • An issue when setting the maximum agent runtime to a four-digit number of minutes has been resolved.
  • The length of file names (including the path name) are now checked for the maximum valid length for your operating system.
Version 2.5.1 Comments
New Functionality
  • You can now send messages to be processed automatically by Cryptshare for Notes out of Mail-In Databases or commonly shared mail databases as well.
  • The Cryptshare for Notes SmartIcon can now optionally be rolled out silently via a background agent.
  • If a version of the SmartIcon is already installed that is still compatible with the server-side version of Cryptshare for Notes, but outdated, the SmartIcon will update automatically in the background. Next time the user starts up his Notes Client, the updated icon is available.
  • If an existing SmartIcon is found that is no longer compatible with the server-side version of Cryptshare for Notes, the user is asked if he would like to update. If the user approves, the update takes place automatically.
  • The Log Error Notification method has been redesigned. Only error messages that have emerged since the last time the agent has run are escalated to a configurable distribution list.
  • The E-Mail Laytime Monitoring method has been extended by the function “Further escalations after…” that is time-triggered. This escalation is triggered if a message that has been escalated before is still not processed after a definable time.
  • The Cryptshare for Notes SmartIcon is now available in Italian language.
  • If a message in the Outbox of Cryptshare.nsf is edited by the Administrator, the original sender name will be retained.
Administrative Features
  • The backup function does now back up all administrative settings including the client.store file.
Resolved issues
  • The file names of files to be sent is now checked for invalid characters before sending.
  • The error message „NULL Link“ in the Java Agent „JAVA Cryptshare API – Helper Agent“ has been resolved.
  • The deactivated password option fields in the Cryptshare form have not been hidden correctly under certain circumstances.#
  • An issue has been resolved that could lead to special characters in auto-generated passwords in Citrix environments.
  • The Domino console and the Cryptshare for Notes Log do no longer show the proxy password if error messages are logged.
  • If a message is sent using the option „complete e-mail (text and attachments)”, blind copy recipients are no longer shown to other recipients of the message.
  • Informational messages from the Java API are no longer displayed on the Domino Console as errors.
Version 2.5.0 Comments
New Functionality
  • You can now send messages to be processed automatically by Cryptshare for Notes out of Mail-In Databases or commonly shared mail databases as well.
  • The Cryptshare for Notes SmartIcon can now optionally be rolled out silently via a background agent.
  • If a version of the SmartIcon is already installed that is still compatible with the serverside version of Cryptshare for Notes, but outdated, the SmartIcon will update automatically in the background. Next time the user starts up his Notes Client, the updated icon is available.
  • If an existing SmartIcon is found that is no longer compatible with the server-side version of Cryptshare for Notes, the user is asked if he would like to update. If the user approves, the update takes place automatically.
  • The Log Error Notification method has been redesigned. Only error messages that have emerged since the last time the agent has run are escalated to a configurable distribution list.
  • The E-Mail Laytime Monitoring method has been extended by the function “Further escalations after…” that is time-triggered. This escalation is triggered if a message that has been escalated before is still not processed after a definable time.
  • The Cryptshare for Notes SmartIcon is now available in Italian language.
  • If a message in the Outbox of Cryptshare.nsf is edited by the Administrator, the original sender name will be retained.
Administrative Features
  • The backup function does now back up all administrative settings including the client.store file.
Resolved issues
  • The file names of files to be sent is now checked for invalid characters before sending.
  • The error message „NULL Link“ in the Java Agent „JAVA Cryptshare API – Helper Agent“ has been resolved.
  • The deactivated password option fields in the Cryptshare form have not been hidden correctly under certain circumstances.
  • An issue has been resolved that could lead to special characters in auto-generated passwords in Citrix environments.
  • The Domino console and the Cryptshare for Notes Log do no longer show the proxy password if error messages are logged.
  • If a message is sent using the option „complete e-mail (text and attachments)”, blind copy recipients are no longer shown to other recipients of the message.
  • Informational messages from the Java API are no longer displayed on the Domino Console as errors.
Version 2.4.0 Comments
New Functionality
  • Messages sent out of mail-in databases can now be processed rule-based.
  • The Cryptshare for Notes SmartIcon can now be rolled-out silently in the background using an Agent.
  • The Cryptshare for Notes SmartIcon checks for compatibility with the server-side version of Cryptshare for Notes at every start.
    • If an outdated, but compatible version of the icon is detected, the SmartIcon is automatically updated in the background. The updated version is available after the next restart of the IBM Notes Client.
    • If a incompatible version of the Cryptshare for Notes Icon is detected, the user is informed and requested to approve the update. The update is then performed automatically.
  • The Cryptshare for Notes Log error notification scheme has been redesigned. Only errors that have occurred new since the last time the agent has run are reported to the defined list of recipients.
  • The Cryptshare for Notes e-mail lay time monitoring has been extended by the function "Further escalations after". This escalation reminder messages takes place in a separately configurable interval if a message still has not been processed after first-time escalation.
  • The SmartIcon is now available in Italian language.
  • The backup feature now backs up all configuration settings including the client.store file.
Resolved Issues
  • The file name of the files to be sent is now checked for invalid characters before sending.
  • Error message "NULL Link" in Java Agent "JAVA Cryptshare API – Helper Agent" has been resolved.
  • Deactivated password options in the e-mail form have not been hidden correctly under certain circumstances.
  • Auto-generated passwords could have contained special characters in Citrix based Domino environments.
Version 2.3.1 Comments
Resolved Issues
  • Resolved an issue with GMail recipients.
  • Fixed hand-over of passwords when processing messages rule-based.
  • Fixed plausibility check for passwords when processing rule-based.
Version 2.3.0 Comments
New Functionality
  • The user frontend is now available in the languages English, German, French, Spanish and Dutch.
  • The texts behind the Cryptshare for Notes SmartIcon are now available in English, German, French, Dutch and Spanish
  • The Cryptshare for Notes SmartIcon now has improved syntax and compatibility checks.
  • The recipient notification now uses separate notification texts for the options "Only send attachments encrypted" or "Send e-mail and attachments encrypted".
  • New option to force saving messages in the personal mail file with or without attachments.
  • You can now use HTML and Graphics as e-mail signatures in the Cryptshare for Notes E-Mails
  • The retention period for log entries in the Cryptshare for Notes Log Application has been limited to 7 days.
Administrative Features
  • A time window (week days, daytimes) for starting periodic agents in all components of Cryptshare for Notes can now be configured.

All administrative components of Cryptshare for Notes are now available in English and German.

  • Configuration settings in Cryptshare.nsf can now be backed up and restored.
  • Version check for Language Files introduced.
  • New password options for messages created manually. You can now force messages to always be sent with an auto-generated password.

Optimization of admin interface and help texts.

Resolved Issues
  • An issue has been resolved that lead to an error when clicking on the CS4N SmartIcon while an empty folder was selected in the navigator.
  • Plausibility checks now run before a folder can be selected in the personal mail file.
  • Files containing Chinese characters are now correctly deleted from the file system.
  • An issue has been resolved in the area of determining the correct file attachment size while saving CS4N messages.
  • Graphics within e-mail signatures are no longer handled as file attachments.