Tab "General Settings"
Aus Cryptshare Documentation
Section: Log Application
This section contains settings concerning the Log Application.
Label | Comment |
Log Level | No logging = Logging does not take place.
Important = Only important events are logged. Info = Important and informational data are being logged. Debug = All details that might be relevant for problem analysis are being logged. |
Log output to | Select where you would like the status information to be logged to. |
Name of Log Application | Select name and location of the Cryptshare Log Application. |
Section: Delete Log Documents
Set up when old entries will be deleted from the log and what to do with errors in the Log DB.
Label | Comment |
Deletion Agent Status | Enable or disable the Deletion Agent. |
Domino Server | Select the Domino Server on which you want the Agent to run. |
Delete documents after x days | Entries will be deleted after the specified number of days is elapsed. We recommend 7 days or more so you will have enough information to track down the error in case of a problem. |
If you change the value in the field "Domino Server" you need to sign the application afterwards.
Section: Agent Monitoring
Set up the control agent to verify regularly if required periodical agents of CS4N are enabled (and not disabled by a design update or otherwise).
Label | Comment |
Agent Monitoring Status | If active, regular checks are performed to check that periodic agents are activated in the Cryptshare Application. |
Starts on the following days | Choose on which days you want to perform checks. |
Agent Start Time | Define if you want to check in a certain time frame only or all day. |
Starts only between | Define the time frame in which you want to check. |
Domino Server | Domino Server running the Log Application. |
Name of Cryptshare Application | Select the Cryptshare Application on the Domino Server. |
Monitoring Mode | Select the action you want to take in case a periodic agent is disabled. |
E-mail Recipient | Who should be notified in case of a problem? |
Subject | Notification subject |
E-mail Text | Notification text |