CSNCurrent en:Tab "Information"

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Use this tab to define how Cryptshare should deal with error reports in the Log Application. 21823820.png

Section: If an error occurs for the first time or changes status.

If a new error document is created, a message is sent to the specified recipients under the following conditions: Conditions to be met:

  • The Error Document has been created after the Notification Agent last run last time.
  • The error refers to a transfer process (i.e. to an e-mail document or status document).
  • The error occurs for the first time or the error status has changed since the last notification.


The list of recipients is notified about any error occurrences in a timely manner. It is made sure that the list recipients is not informed repeatedly about the same error every time the agent runs. Notifications about new error occurrences or status changes of existing error situations take place only once and in a timely manner.

Errors that could not be resolved and that remain for a longer period of time are reported in a configurable interval to the list of recipients (see section below – "If error status persists").

Label Comment
Error notification status Turn the notification about new errors or error status changes on or off.
Domino Server Domino Server the agent should run on.
Send log e-mail notification every x minutes Interval settings for the notification agent.
In case of an error notify Recipient e-mail addresses for error reports.
Subject Error notification subject.
E-mail text Error notification text.

Section: If an error status persists.

If error entries exists in the Log Application at the time the agent runs, a notification is sent to the list of recipients if the following condition is met:

Condition to be met:

  • New Error Documents of the same type have been created for the same transfer since the Notification Agent has run last time.
The group of recipients is reminded in a timely manner about the fact that an error status persists.
Label Comment
Error Notification Status Turn the e-mail notification in case of logged errors on or off.
Domino Server Domino Server the agent should run on.
Interval for Log Error Notification Interval settings for the notification agent.
In case of an error notify Recipient e-mail addresses for error reports.
Subject Error notification subject.
E-Mail Text Error notification text.