RESTAPI:Version 1.10

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Minimum Cryptshare Server Version
The Cryptshare REST API version 1.10 requires at least Cryptshare Server Version 7.1.0.

New features

New REST-API feature: Revoke transfer

It is now possible to revoke a transfer via the REST API such that its files are no longer accessible by the recipients. More information about revoking a transfer can be found here.

New REST-API feature: Request filled out email templates

It is now possible to request filled out email templates via the REST API for the emails "sender notification", "recipient notification" and "recipient notification for sent folders". More information can be found here.

Extended REST-API feature: Requesting the Transfer Policy" with the file type filter configuration

It is now possible to request the configuration of the file type filter, in order to determine during the creation of a transfer session if a file might be accepted or rejected by the file type filter. This configuration can be requested via the existing endpoint to Requesting the transfer policy.