RESTAPI:Adding LDAP or SMTP SSL certificate to the list of trusted certificates on the Cryptshare server
Applies to:
The connection to LDAP cannot be established using SecureLDAP or connection to SMTP Host cannot be established using secure connection
Usually a self-signed SSL certificate is installed on LDAP or SMTP server, which cannot be trusted by Java
Import the LDAP or SMTP SSL certificate to Java keystore of Cryptshare Installation Linux Server
- copy the SSL certificate in x.509 format (.cer, .crt, .pem) to the folder /root
- log in as root on the appliance
- change into Java folder and change the permissions for keytool
cd /opt/cryptshare-3/jre/bin/ chmod +x keytool
- import the SSL certificate
./keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore ../lib/security/cacerts -alias <sitename> -file <SSL Certificate>
where <alias> is the name of LDAP or SMTP server and <SSL Certificate> is the certificate inclusive the path, e.g. /root/LDAP-SSL-certificate.crt or /root/SMTP-SSL-certificate.crt The default password for the JAVA certificate storage is changeit
- restart Cryptshare service
rccryptshare restart
Windows Server
- copy the SSL certificate in x.509 format (.cer, .crt, .pem) to the server
- open command line
- change into Cryptshare Java folder
cd <Cryptshare installation folder>\jre\bin
- import the SSL certificate
keytool.exe -import -trustcacerts -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts -alias <sitename> -file <SSL Certificate>
where <alias> is the name of LDAP server and <SSL Certificate> is the certificate inclusive the path, e.g. <User Desktop>\LDAP-SSL-certificate.crt or <User Desktop>\SMTP-SSL-certificate.crt The default password for the JAVA certificate storage is changeit
- restart Cryptshare service
Now the SecureLDAP connection should work fine.