RESTAPI:Basic request headers and client id

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Basic request headers

In each request the following header parameters are always required:

Header name Description Value of current Cryptshare version
X-CS-MajorApiVersion This value defines the major API version that should be used. Cryptshare servers may support multiple major api versions simultaneously. 1
X-CS-MinimumMinorApiVersion This value defines the minimum minor API version your requests require. If the server does not support your minimum minor API version, it returns an error and not all required endpoints might be available for you. 7

Client id

The Client id is the most important identifier for REST API consumers. It identifies a client and its attached verifications for email addresses. If it is whitelisted for client id based verification, it should be treated like a password that could be used for performing various requests for multiple email addresses.

Therefore, a client id is a string that should have a length of 50 to 4000 characters, consisting of lower-case and upper-case letters and numbers.

Own creation
