RESTAPI:Sender Notification Mail

Aus Cryptshare Documentation
Version vom 3. Juli 2024, 14:45 Uhr von Edayans (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Adding input properties in detail)
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Please note that the Cryptshare Server only allows this operation for a verified sender email address (see Verification).

This API endpoint allows a user to request an email associated with a particular transfer, which will be sent by the server to the sender's email address. The request must be made by the same user who initiated the transfer to ensure authenticity. The user has the option to include the transfer password in the email by specifying it in the request, and they can also specify additional recipient email addresses to be included in the email along with the original recipients of the transfer. The response of this request is in text/html;charset=iso-8859-1 format, rather than JSON.

Api to get the sender notification mail of the transfer

POST https://<your-url>/api/users/<sender-email-address>/transfers/<tracking-id>/emails/sender

The input accepts following properties

Description Property
The password of the transfer. password
The recipients which will be included in the email along with the recipients of the transfer. additionalRecipients
The section for includng the mail of the 'to' recipients to
The section for includng the mail of the 'cc' recipients cc
The section for includng the mail of the 'bcc' recipients bcc
The actual email id or additional recipient mail

In other cases, a result object is returned with the following information:

Description Property
Whether a transfer with the requested sender-recipient combination would be allowed or not. allowed
The evaluated policy settings of the matching policy rules. This is only set the transfer would be allowed at all. settings
List of all recipients to which the given sender is not allowed to perform a transfer. This is only set if the transfer would not be allowed. failedRecipients