RESTAPI:Finalizing the Transfer Session

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Please note that the Cryptshare Server only allows this operation for a verified sender address (see Verification).

}}As soon as a Transfer Session was created, configured as desired, and files have been uploaded, it can be finalized.

Finalizing the Transfer Session

POST https://<your-url>/api/users/<sender email-address>/transfer-sessions/<tracking-id>

A transfer session can be finalized, when files have been added to this transfer. When no file has been registered or not all registered files have been uploaded, the finalization request will fail.

When the finalization of a transfer session is triggered, it will be immediately treated as a Transfer instead of a Transfer Session. This means, all endpoints for handling the transfer session will not be usable anymore for this tracking id and no changes can be performed for the transfer session.

Triggering the finalization, file processing and as soon as all files have been processing and if it was configured for this transfer, the sending of emails is executed. These steps may take some time, until they are finished. Therefore, this request returns in the Location header an URL where the current processing status of this transfer can be retrieved. This endpoint is meant to be polled for tracking the transfer's processing state.

As long as the property state is set to PROCESSING, the file processing still takes place. When file processing finished, the state changes to either ACTIVE (successful file processing) or FAILED (all files could not be processed successfully). In case of an ACTIVE state, recipients are now able to download the stored files. In case of a FAILED state, no download can be performed.

Downloadlinks for recipients

In case recipient notification was deactivated in the transfer session and a self-implemented notification of recipients should be performed, you would need the recipients' download URLs. These download URLs can be retrieved by using the Transfer Status request.