OWACurrent en:V2.0.0

Aus Cryptshare Documentation
Version vom 30. April 2024, 13:20 Uhr von Sukhinino (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Breaking Changes

App registration in Azure Entra Platform is required
As the add-in utilizes Microsoft Graph to provide some of its functionality the registration of the add-in in the Azure Entra Platform is required. You find a guide for the registration here.
Language Pack version 5 required
In order to use Cryptshare for OWA, new language packages must be installed on the Cryptshare Server. You may obtain these language packages here.


  • Sending transfers, downloading individual files, importing confidential messages and files to the inbox.

Additional Changes

  • Users can send transfers directly from the add-in
  • Added the ability to selectively download files from transfers.
  • Confidential messages can be imported to the inbox, alone or with selected files.
  • Upload and download progress is displayed to the user.
  • Added support for Finnish and Ukrainian languages.
  • Error messages have been enhanced to provide clearer and more helpful guidance.
  • Significantly reduced loading time of the add-in.
  • Compatibel to Outlook Windows Client (Office 365)