CSDNCurrent en:Terms of Use

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Version vom 7. März 2022, 06:50 Uhr von Maintenance script (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Imported from text file)
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The Terms of Use that are defined under the Legal tab on the Cryptshare Server administration website can be downloaded by the Client, so that they can be presented to a user in a client side application. The Terms of Use can be downloaded using the Client's method RequestTermsOfUse(). The method returns a TermsOfUseResult which in turn contains a DateChanged and a TermsOfUseResultEntry[]. A TermsOfUseResultEntry contains a key-value pair: texts as the values, and their corresponding language codes as the keys.

Example: Requesting the Terms of Use

// First create the Client instance
// Create a WebServiceUri for your Cryptshare Server 
WebServiceUri serviceUri = new WebServiceUri("https://cryptshare.server.com");
// Create a CryptshareConnection instance for your WebServiceUri
CryptshareConnection connection = new CryptshareConnection(serviceUri);
// Create the Client instance with the sender's email address, 
// the CryptshareConnection, and the path to the verification store.
Client client = new Client("sender_email@server.com", connection, @"C:\temp");

// Request the Terms of Use
TermsOfUseResult tos = client.RequestTermsOfUse();

foreach (TermsOfUseResultEntry entry in tos.terms)
	Console.WriteLine("Terms of use for language '" + entry.key + "': " + entry.value);