Usage of Cookies

Aus Cryptshare Documentation
Version vom 18. Juni 2024, 07:09 Uhr von Rillingf (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Cryptshare Server

The Cryptshare server sets cookies during usage of the web application. All of these are required to use the web application; No tracking or analytic cookies are used.

Cookie Name Scope Description Expiration Required for QUICK Technology
cs-ai-session Administration interface Administration Interface session cookie. End of Session
cs-ui-session Web App User Interface session cookie. End of Session
client_id Web App Unique value that identifies the client for usage during the verification process. -
active_user Web App Stores which user that is verified in this browser is currently selected. Verification validity period
user_emailN (e.g. user_email1) Web App E-Mail-Address of the verified user with index N. Verification validity period
sender_phoneN (e.g. sender_phone1) Web App Telephone number of the verified user with index N. Verification validity period
sender_nameN (e.g. sender_name1) Web App Name of the verified user with index N. Verification validity period
verification_tokenN (e.g. verification_token1) Web App Verification Token of the user with index N. Verification validity period
show_cc Web App Stores if the "CC" toggle button for the recipient input is active. -
show_bcc Web App Stores if the "BCC" toggle button for the recipient input is active. -
show_upload_details Web App Stores if the "Details" section on the upload summary page is expanded. -
show_download_details Web App Stores if the "Details" section on the download page is expanded. -
terms_of_use Web App Stores when the terms of use were last accepted. 30 days