=========================================== ================ PROPERTIES =============== =========================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------- REMOVED FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------- \server\application\Download2.properties \client\outlook\3\templates\conf.properties \server\application\Download1.properties -------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------- \server\administration\QuickPage.properties \server\application\Download.properties -------------------------------------------------------------------- MODIFIED FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- \server\application\VerificationState.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---Removed keys--- ------------------ error.verify.notSaved label.phone label.mail title.verification.help error.verify.notAccepted label.name -------------- ---New keys--- -------------- validation.mail.duplicate = The given email address has already been added. message.verification.missingData = Some personal information for the user is missing. Please fill in the missing information. ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: mail.Required OLD: mail.Required = Please type in your e-mail address. NEW: mail.Required = Please type in your email address. ------------------------ KEY: mail.RfcCompliantEmailAddressValidator OLD: mail.RfcCompliantEmailAddressValidator = The given e-mail address is invalid. NEW: mail.RfcCompliantEmailAddressValidator = The given email address is invalid. ----------------------------------------------------------------- \server\administration\OperatingSystem.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ---New keys--- -------------- message.distupgrade.restart.resume = The distribution upgrade is resumed. Are you sure you want to continue? The server will be unavailable for approximately 30 minutes. label.operatingsystem.main.low_space.href = https://wiki.cryptshare.com/x/jQJ1 ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: message.distupgrade.indicatorError OLD: message.distupgrade.indicatorError = The distribution upgrade has not yet finished. Please check the current upgrade status using the console. You can reload the page as soon as openSUSE 42.3 is installed. Consult the Cryptshare Wiki for detailed instructions. NEW: message.distupgrade.indicatorError = The distribution upgrade has not yet finished. Please check the current upgrade status using the console. You can reload the page as soon as openSUSE {0} is installed. Consult the Cryptshare Wiki for detailed instructions. ------------------------ KEY: message.upgrade.successful.text OLD: message.upgrade.successful.text = Congratulations!
Your Cryptshare appliance has been successfully upgraded to the 64bit operating system openSUSE Leap 42.3.
NEW: message.upgrade.successful.text = Congratulations! \r\n Your Cryptshare appliance has been successfully upgraded to the 64bit operating system **openSUSE Leap {0}**. ------------------------ KEY: label.operatingsystem.main.unsupported_version.title OLD: label.operatingsystem.main.unsupported_version.title = Your operating system (version) is not supported for an automatic upgrade. Please refer to the Wiki for more information. NEW: label.operatingsystem.main.unsupported_version.title = Your operating system version is not supported for an automatic upgrade. Please refer to the Wiki for more information. ------------------------ KEY: label.operatingsystem.main.unsupported_version.href OLD: label.operatingsystem.main.unsupported_version.href = https://wiki.cryptshare.com/display/CKB/Freeing+Disk+Space+on+a+Cryptshare+Server NEW: label.operatingsystem.main.unsupported_version.href = https://wiki.cryptshare.com/x/QoHd ------------------------ KEY: message.distupgrade.restart OLD: message.distupgrade.restart = The distribution upgrade is started. Are you sure you want to continue? The server will be unavailable for approximately 2 hours. NEW: message.distupgrade.restart = The distribution upgrade is started. Are you sure you want to continue? The server will be unavailable for approximately 30 minutes. ------------------------ KEY: message.upgrade.welcome.text OLD: message.upgrade.welcome.text = A new operating system version is available for your Cryptshare appliance (openSUSE 42.3).
Use the "Next" button on this page to start the wizard that guides you through the update process.
The Cryptshare server is not available for the duration of the update. The process takes about 2-4 hours, but it can take longer depending on the system configuration.
Before updating a virtual appliance, we recommend performing a (snapshot) backup.
Please refer to the following "Important Wiki-Links". NEW: message.upgrade.welcome.text = A new operating system version is available for your Cryptshare appliance **(openSUSE {0})**. \r\nUse the "Next" button on this page to start the wizard that guides you through the update process. \r\nThe Cryptshare server is not available for the duration of the update. The process takes approximately 30 minutes, but it can take longer depending on the system configuration. \r\nBefore updating a virtual appliance, we recommend performing a (snapshot) backup. \r\n**Please refer to the following "Important Wiki-Links"**. ------------------------ KEY: label.operatingsystem.main.upgradeable_version.href OLD: label.operatingsystem.main.upgradeable_version.href = https://wiki.cryptshare.com/display/CAM/Linux+Distribution+Update NEW: label.operatingsystem.main.upgradeable_version.href = https://wiki.cryptshare.com/x/0ANC ------------------------ KEY: message.distupgrade.resume OLD: message.distupgrade.resume = Resumes the distribution upgrade at the point where it was interrupted. NEW: message.distupgrade.resume = If this screen re-occurs multiple times, please perform a rollback and restart the update. ------------------------ KEY: message.distupgrade.start OLD: message.distupgrade.start = Starts with the distribution upgrade. During the upgrade, the Cryptshare server will not be available for at least 2 hours. NEW: message.distupgrade.start = Starts with the distribution upgrade. During the upgrade, the Cryptshare server will not be available for approximately 30 minutes. ------------------------ KEY: label.operatingsystem.main.upgradeable_version.title OLD: label.operatingsystem.main.upgradeable_version.title = A new operating system version is available for your Cryptshare appliance **(openSUSE 42.3)**. \r\nThis update requires at least 2 GB of free space on the system partition. Your system does not currently meet this requirement. \r\n**Please increase the free memory first. You can find a tutorial on this in our Wiki.**\r\n NEW: label.operatingsystem.main.upgradeable_version.title = A new operating system version is available for your Cryptshare appliance **(openSUSE {0})**. \r\nThis update requires at least 2 GB of free space on the system partition. Your system does not currently meet this requirement. \r\n**Please increase the free memory first. You can find a tutorial on this in our Wiki.**\r\n ----------------------------------------------------------------- \server\help\administration\DynamicHelp.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: help.senderName OLD: help.senderName = Sender Name is an alias for the sender e-mail address. NEW: help.senderName = Sender Name is an alias for the sender email address. ------------------------ KEY: help.templateLogoHelp OLD: help.templateLogoHelp = Upload a new PNG-Logo with a maximum width of 200 pixels here. The logo will replace the header logo within e-mail notifications. NEW: help.templateLogoHelp = Upload a new PNG-Logo with a maximum width of 200 pixels here. The logo will replace the header logo within email notifications. ------------------------ KEY: help.individualSender OLD: help.individualSender = If enabled, this server will use the e-mail address of the sender (according to the RFC4021 specification) for the recipient e-mail notification instead of the e-mail address configured for this server. NEW: help.individualSender = If enabled, this server will use the email address of the sender (according to the RFC4021 specification) for the recipient email notification instead of the email address configured for this server. ------------------------ KEY: help.sendLog OLD: help.sendLog = If this option is active, an excerpt of the transfer log is sent to the administrators regularly by e-mail. NEW: help.sendLog = If this option is active, an excerpt of the transfer log is sent to the administrators regularly by email. ------------------------ KEY: help.mailEncoding OLD: help.mailEncoding = The e-mail encoding Cryptshare uses for sending out e-mail notifications. NEW: help.mailEncoding = The email encoding Cryptshare uses for sending out email notifications. ------------------------ KEY: help.adminMail OLD: help.adminMail = E-mail addresses of the administrators of this server. NEW: help.adminMail = Email addresses of the administrators of this server. ------------------------ KEY: help.mailFormat OLD: help.mailFormat = The e-mail format Cryptshare uses for sending out e-mail notifications. NEW: help.mailFormat = The email format Cryptshare uses for sending out email notifications. ------------------------ KEY: help.mailImageHandling OLD: help.mailImageHandling = Controls how images will be added to e-mail templates, for instance the application logo in the upper left corner. NEW: help.mailImageHandling = Controls how images will be added to email templates, for instance the application logo in the upper left corner. ------------------------ KEY: help.mailPort OLD: help.mailPort = Port used for communication with your e-mail server. NEW: help.mailPort = Port used for communication with your email server. ------------------------ KEY: help.mailHost OLD: help.mailHost = DNS name or IP address of your e-mail server. NEW: help.mailHost = DNS name or IP address of your email server. ------------------------ KEY: help.senderAddress OLD: help.senderAddress = This is the e-mail address used as sender address by the Cryptshare Server to send notification messages. NEW: help.senderAddress = This is the email address used as sender address by the Cryptshare Server to send notification messages. ------------------------ KEY: help.color OLD: help.color = The color settings for e-mail notifications can be changed with these color pickers. NEW: help.color = The color settings for email notifications can be changed with these color pickers. ------------------------ KEY: help.mailPreview OLD: help.mailPreview = This preview shows how an e-mail will look like with the current settings. NEW: help.mailPreview = This preview shows how an email will look like with the current settings. ----------------------------------------------------------------- \server\application\BasePage.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---Removed keys--- ------------------ label.transfer.quickMode -------------- ---New keys--- -------------- label.quickRecovery.description = You can set up or restore QUICK for the selected email address on another client. label.quickRecovery.placeholder = Enter Code label.personalData.select = Select user: label.quickRecovery.input = Activation Code label.quickRecovery.admin = Administrative Activation label.mail = Email title.quickRecoveryOptions = QUICK Activation Options label.quickRecovery.step1 = Select the email address you want to use on the other client with QUICK. label.quickRecovery.title = Activate QUICK label.quickRecovery.error = An error occurred while recovering QUICK data. recoveryCodeInput.recoveryCode.recoveryCodeResetted = The maximum amount of activation attempts has been exceeded. The activation code for '**${mail}**' has been invalidated. label.quickRecovery.noUserAvailableDescription = There are no QUICK credentials on this client. Therefore, an activation code cannot be created for this email address here. If you have another client with QUICK credentials for this email address, you can create an activation code there. recoveryCodeInput.Required = Please enter an activation code. label.quickRecovery.client.header = {0} {1} on {2} recoveryCodeInput.recoveryCode.noUserAvailable = User is not available. label.quickRecovery.client.description = The following clients are available to generate an activation code: error.quick.load = Failed to load QUICK data. title.quickRecovery.startFromScratch.warning = Reset Warning label.quickRecoveryOptions.recoverFromClient.description = Obtain a QUICK activation code from another client. label.phone = Phone label.quickRecovery.startFromScratch.warning = Your existing QUICK credentials on all clients will be invalidated and new ones will be created on this client. Access to all QUICK transfers on the server from and to you will be lost. All QUICK connections with your communication partners will have to be re-established.\nAre you sure? label.quickRecovery.success = QUICK access successfully activated. label.quickRecovery.client.hint.step1 = Start Cryptshare on one of the listed clients. label.quickRecovery.client.hint.step2 = Click on 'Activate QUICK'. label.quickRecovery.client.hint.step3 = The client shows an activation code. label.hint.link.title = Further Information... error.quickRecovery.resetQuickState = An error occurred when resetting the QUICK state. label.quickRecovery.client.hint.step4 = Enter the activation code in the input field on this screen. label.quickRecoveryOptions.startFromScratch = Reset label.quickRecovery.step3 = Start the activation on the other client and enter the code there. label.quickRecovery.step2 = Click 'Generate' to create an activation code. label.quickRecovery.generation.error = An error occurred while creating an activation code. recoveryCodeInput.recoveryCode.inProgress = Validation in progress... label.transferOptions.passwordNote.hint.link.href = http://cryptshare.click/webapp-quick-introduction-en recoveryCodeInput.recoveryCode.noPendingRecovery = There is currently no pending activation. label.name = Name recoveryCodeInput.recoveryCode.internalError = Unable to check validity of activation code. label.quickRecovery.admin.description = In order to activate your QUICK access, an administrator of this Cryptshare Server has to provide you with an activation code for your email address **${mail}**. label.quickRecovery.client = Activate by yourself label.quickRecoveryOptions.recoverThroughAdmin = Administrative Activation label.quickRecovery.client.description.hint.link.href = http://cryptshare.click/webapp-quick-activation-en label.quickRecoveryOptions.recoverFromClient.hint.link.href = http://cryptshare.click/webapp-quick-activation-en label.quickRecovery.client.legend.lastUse = Last Use label.quickRecovery.noUserAvailable = - no user available - label.quickRecoveryOptions.recoverThroughAdmin.hint.link.href = hhttp://cryptshare.click/webapp-quick-activation-en recoveryCodeInput.recoveryCode.recoveryCodeInvalid = The entered activation code is invalid. recoveryCodeInput.recoveryCode.exact = The activation code has to be exactly {0} characters in length. label.quickRecoveryOptions.recoverFromClient = Activate by yourself label.quickRecoveryOptions.recoverThroughAdmin.description = Obtain a QUICK activation code from an administrator. recoveryOptionsList.Required = Please choose an activation method. label.quickRecovery.client.legend.ip = IP Address label.quickRecovery.generate = Generate label.quickRecoveryOptions.description = Please select one of the following options in order to activate QUICK access for **{0}** on this client. label.quickRecovery.client.hint = How to perform the activation: label.quickRecovery.contactDetails.default = How to perform the activation:\n\n1. Contact one of the administrators of this Cryptshare server.\n2. Ask the administrator to provide you with a QUICK activation code.\n3. Enter the code below. label.quickRecoveryOptions.startFromScratch.description = Discard all QUICK connections and create new access credentials. label.quickRecovery.noQuickUserDescription = On this client, there are no QUICK credentials available for **${mail}**. Therefore, an activation code cannot be created for this email address here. If you have another client with QUICK credentials for this email address you can create an activation code there. label.sender = Sender ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: label.transfer.passwordMode OLD: label.transfer.passwordMode = Password NEW: label.transfer.passwordMode = One-time password ------------------------ KEY: title.vericode.input OLD: title.vericode.input = E-Mail Address Verification NEW: title.vericode.input = Email Address Verification ------------------------ KEY: application.title OLD: application.title = Befine Cryptshare NEW: application.title = Cryptshare ------------------------ KEY: label.transfer.noPasswordMode OLD: label.transfer.noPasswordMode = No Password NEW: label.transfer.noPasswordMode = No password required ----------------------------------------------------------------- \server\templates\recipient\conf.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: snippet.label_email OLD: snippet.label_email = E-Mail NEW: snippet.label_email = Email ----------------------------------------------------------------- \server\administration\Administration.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---Removed keys--- ------------------ oldPassword.Required label.passwordChange.oldPassword validation.oldPassword.incorrect -------------- ---New keys--- -------------- validation.currentPassword.incorrect = The current password is not correct. quick.submenu.recoverysettings = Activation Settings quickSettingsPanel.quickModes.values.Disabled = Disabled quickSettingsPanel.quickModes.values.EnabledIfEstablished = Enabled only if established passwordModePanel.label.passwordMode.manual = Enter Password quickSettingsPanel.label.password = Specify the valid password modes for QUICK invitations. quickSettingsPanel.label.quickModeChangeable = QUICK preset changeable tokenRecoveryPanel.label.table.error = An error occurred error.message.signinform.signin.noSk = Due to changes in the encryption system, your password has to be reset before you can login again. Please contact one of the following administrators to reset your password: ${admins}. passwordModePanel.label.passwordMode.none = No Password quickSettingsPanel.label.title = QUICK Settings label.password.currentPassword = Current Password label.passwordReset.description = An email will be sent to the specified address, containing a link that allows the user to set a new password. The link is valid for 24 hours. passwordModePanel.label.passwordMode.generated = Generate Password error.message.signinform.signin.expired = This password reset link has expired, please contact one of the following administrators to reset your password again: ${admins}. tokenRecoveryPanel.label.table.userNotFound = User not found quickSettingsPanel.label.description = QUICK allows secure communication between communication partners without the sender or recipient having to use passwords. Users can establish QUICK connections themselves by inviting communication partners via a Cryptshare Transfer secured with a one-time-password. quick.submenu.generalsettings = General Settings quick.submenu.tokenrecovery = Activate QUICK Access quickSettingsPanel.label.quickModes = QUICK preset label.passwordReset = Reset Password error.message.signinform.signin.dbException = An error occurred while loading data required for signing in from the database. navmenu.quickpage = QUICK validation.passwordReset.incorrectParameters = This password reset link is invalid, this can be caused by an expired link. senderMail.RfcCompliantEmailAddressValidator = Please specify a valid email address. senderMail.Required = Please type in a contact email address. label.reauthentication.description = The action you requested requires a confirmation of your identity. Please enter your password to continue. tokenRecoveryPanel.label.table.noQuickUser = No QUICK User quickSettingsPanel.quickModes.values.Enabled = Enabled message.passwordReset.infomessage = Please enter your new password. After changing it, you will have to log in with your new password. quickSettingsPanel.label.settings = Please select the default setting for the use of QUICK error.message.passwordChange = An error occurred when changing the password. currentPassword.Required = Please enter your current password. label.reauthentication = Authentication required quickSettingsPanel.label.modes.title = Valid password modes for QUICK invitations ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: frontend.submenu.templateUiDesign OLD: frontend.submenu.templateUiDesign = E-Mail Layout NEW: frontend.submenu.templateUiDesign = Email Layout ------------------------ KEY: EmailAddressValidator OLD: EmailAddressValidator = The given e-mail address is invalid. NEW: EmailAddressValidator = The given email address is invalid. ------------------------ KEY: title.login.passwordChange OLD: title.login.passwordChange = Change default password NEW: title.login.passwordChange = Change password ------------------------ KEY: error.message.validation.security.quickPasswordMode.error OLD: error.message.validation.security.quickPasswordMode.error = At least one password mode needs to be selected for establishing QUICK connections. NEW: error.message.validation.security.quickPasswordMode.error = At least one password mode needs to be selected. ------------------------ KEY: message.login.passwordChange OLD: message.login.passwordChange = Before you can visit the Cryptshare Administration Interface you have to change the default password first. NEW: message.login.passwordChange = Please enter a new password to use the administration interface. ------------------------ KEY: DomainValidator OLD: DomainValidator = The given e-mail domain is invalid. NEW: DomainValidator = The given email domain is invalid. ----------------------------------------------------------------- \server\administration\PostUpdate.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ---New keys--- -------------- message.postupdate.skReset = Please note that due to internal changes of the encryption system, these update steps will disable all other users of the Administration Interface, until their passwords have been reset. **Only the currently selected user will be able to log in to the Administration Interface afterwards.** If you wish to log out and use a different user to continue, please click the following link: label.postupdate.invalidateSenderVerifications.description = When using QUICK, the verification token represents the access credentials to a personal key stored on the Cryptshare Server. Security requirements for obtaining a QUICK verification token have increased with this version of Cryptshare Server. Therefore, it is recommended to perform an invalidation of any previously issued verification tokens. This will have the following consequences for the user:\n\n1. All users will need to perform a new verification.\n2. The security of QUICK transfers is increased. label.postupdate.quickinformation = **What is QUICK?** \nQUICK Technology considerably simplifies the use of Cryptshare! Instead of having to exchange one-time passwords manually, QUICK will take over the management of OTPs for your users so they don't have to deal with passwords anymore but can send and receive information passwordless.\n\n**How does QUICK affect the users** \nCryptshare continues to work as usual. Users also have the option of activating 'QUICK connections' with their contacts. These represent permanently secure connections which can be used by the sender and recipient without entering passwords.\n\n**How does QUICK affect administrators?** \nAs administrator, you can control the availability of the QUICK feature via the Cryptshare policy. QUICK will store access credentials on the users' devices. Administrative assistance may be required to enable additional devices for users or help users to restore their QUICK access credentials in case of loss. label.postupdate.invalidateSenderVerifications = Invalidate sender verifications label.postupdate.initialQuickSettings = Initial QUICK Settings label.postupdate.invalidateSenderVerifications.title = Invalidation of existing Verifications title.postupdate.skReset = Warning - Password reset for administrative access label.hint.link.title = Further Information... label.postupdate.quickinformation.hint.link.href = http://cryptshare.click/webapp-quick-introduction-en label.postupdate.applyToExistingRules = Apply this setting to existing policy rules ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: message.postupdate.error OLD: message.postupdate.error = The database update was not successful. In this state transfers won't be possible. NEW: message.postupdate.error = Post Update operations have failed. The system is in an inconsistent state. Please perform a rollback in order to go back to the Cryptshare version used before the update was done. ----------------------------------------------------------------- \server\application\VeriCodePanel.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: veriCode.Required OLD: veriCode.Required = Please enter the verification code you received by e-mail NEW: veriCode.Required = Please enter the verification code you received by email ------------------------ KEY: message.verification.codeSent OLD: message.verification.codeSent = An e-mail containing a verification code was sent to **${}**. Please enter the code below to complete the verification process. NEW: message.verification.codeSent = An email containing a verification code was sent to **${}**. Please enter the code below to complete the verification process. ----------------------------------------------------------------- \server\application\RecipientPanel.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---Removed keys--- ------------------ message.header ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: title.help.recipients OLD: title.help.recipients = Recipient E-Mail Addresses NEW: title.help.recipients = Recipient Email Addresses ------------------------ KEY: message.recipients OLD: message.recipients = Enter the e-mail addresses of the recipients. You can insert e-mail lists from external sources using the clipboard. NEW: message.recipients = Enter the email addresses of the recipients. You can insert email lists from external sources using the clipboard. ------------------------ KEY: validation.list.error OLD: validation.list.error = Please add at least one recipient e-mail address NEW: validation.list.error = Please add at least one recipient email address ------------------------ KEY: error.recipient OLD: error.recipient = Please type in at least one valid e-mail address. NEW: error.recipient = Please type in at least one valid email address. ----------------------------------------------------------------- \server\administration\Legal.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: label.personalData.confirm OLD: label.personalData.confirm = Do you really want to start the removal of all personal data for the entered e-mail addresses? This action cannot be undone. NEW: label.personalData.confirm = Do you really want to start the removal of all personal data for the entered email addresses? This action cannot be undone. ----------------------------------------------------------------- \server\administration\ldap.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: message.ldap.noMapping OLD: message.ldap.noMapping = The e-mail attribute mapping has not yet been configured. Please select the attributes containing SMTP e-mail addresses below and save the new settings. For further details, please click on 'Help'. NEW: message.ldap.noMapping = The email attribute mapping has not yet been configured. Please select the attributes containing SMTP email addresses below and save the new settings. For further details, please click on 'Help'. ------------------------ KEY: error.ldap.noAttributes OLD: error.ldap.noAttributes = The e-mail attribute mapping is not configured yet. NEW: error.ldap.noAttributes = The email attribute mapping is not configured yet. ------------------------ KEY: message.ldap.existingMapping OLD: message.ldap.existingMapping = Please select the LDAP attributes that contain the SMTP e-mail addresses of users. Currently the following attributes are selected: '%s'. NEW: message.ldap.existingMapping = Please select the LDAP attributes that contain the SMTP email addresses of users. Currently the following attributes are selected: '%s'. ------------------------ KEY: label.ldap.attributeSuccess OLD: label.ldap.attributeSuccess = The e-mail attribute mapping has been saved successfully. NEW: label.ldap.attributeSuccess = The email attribute mapping has been saved successfully. ----------------------------------------------------------------- \server\administration\policy.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: message.policy.regexValidation OLD: message.policy.regexValidation = Below you can see the resulting regular expression which will be used as the matching pattern for this policy rule.
You can use the Validation Input field above for checking certain e-mail addresses on this expression. NEW: message.policy.regexValidation = Below you can see the resulting regular expression which will be used as the matching pattern for this policy rule.
You can use the Validation Input field above for checking certain email addresses on this expression. ------------------------ KEY: message.policy.validationStatus.fail OLD: message.policy.validationStatus.fail = The generated regular expression for this policy rule does not match with the e-mail address '%s'. NEW: message.policy.validationStatus.fail = The generated regular expression for this policy rule does not match with the email address '%s'. ------------------------ KEY: label.filter.regex OLD: label.filter.regex = Default-Rule (e-mail, domain or regular expression) NEW: label.filter.regex = Default-Rule (email, domain or regular expression) ------------------------ KEY: label.pattern.domain OLD: label.pattern.domain = E-Mail Domains NEW: label.pattern.domain = Email Domains ------------------------ KEY: label.pattern.email OLD: label.pattern.email = E-Mail Addresses NEW: label.pattern.email = Email Addresses ------------------------ KEY: message.policy.validationStatus.success OLD: message.policy.validationStatus.success = The generated regular expression for this policy rule matches with the e-mail address '%s'. NEW: message.policy.validationStatus.success = The generated regular expression for this policy rule matches with the email address '%s'. ----------------------------------------------------------------- \server\mail\mail.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ---New keys--- -------------- mail.heading.passwordReset = Complete your password reset mail.subject.passwordReset = The password of your administrative Cryptshare account has been reset mail.heading.passwordNew = Specify a password mail.subject.passwordNew = A new administrative Cryptshare account has been created ----------------------------------------------------------------- \server\application\Upload1.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---Removed keys--- ------------------ label.personalData -------------- ---New keys--- -------------- label.personalData.sendAs = Send as message.dirty = Transfer settings have been made with the selected sender. Please note that the session will be reset when switching to a different sender. title.personalData.edit = Edit Personal Data label.personalData.new = Create new user... ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: validation.policy.licenseDeclined OLD: validation.policy.licenseDeclined = The license does not allow to send a transfer for these e-mail addresses\: %s NEW: validation.policy.licenseDeclined = The license does not allow to send a transfer for these email addresses\: %s ------------------------ KEY: validation.policy.recipientDeclined OLD: validation.policy.recipientDeclined = For these e-mail addresses a transfer is not allowed\: %s NEW: validation.policy.recipientDeclined = For these email addresses a transfer is not allowed\: %s ----------------------------------------------------------------- \server\common\PasswordPanel.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: message.password.hint.none OLD: message.password.hint.none = Using no password only offers minimal security. Every reader of the notification e-mail is able to download a transfer without having to enter a password. NEW: message.password.hint.none = Using no password only offers minimal security. Every reader of the notification email is able to download a transfer without having to enter a password. ----------------------------------------------------------------- \server\administration\Status.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---Removed keys--- ------------------ senderMail.RfcCompliantEmailAddressValidator senderMail.Required ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: eMailAddress.Required OLD: eMailAddress.Required = Please type in a valid e-mail address. NEW: eMailAddress.Required = Please type in a valid email address. ------------------------ KEY: message.statistics.transfers OLD: message.statistics.transfers = Shows the number of transfers of senders who are or are not members of the licensed e-mail domains. NEW: message.statistics.transfers = Shows the number of transfers of senders who are or are not members of the licensed email domains. ------------------------ KEY: label.support.senderMail OLD: label.support.senderMail = E-Mail Address NEW: label.support.senderMail = Email Address ------------------------ KEY: message.support.sendMail OLD: message.support.sendMail = The support e-mail has successfully been sent to '${toString}'. NEW: message.support.sendMail = The support email has successfully been sent to '${toString}'. ------------------------ KEY: supportAddress.Required OLD: supportAddress.Required = You need to enter an e-mail address to where the support package should be sent. NEW: supportAddress.Required = You need to enter an email address to where the support package should be sent. ------------------------ KEY: supportAddress.RfcCompliantEmailAddressValidator OLD: supportAddress.RfcCompliantEmailAddressValidator = Please specify a valid e-mail address. NEW: supportAddress.RfcCompliantEmailAddressValidator = Please specify a valid email address. ------------------------ KEY: label.statistics.email OLD: label.statistics.email = E-Mail Address NEW: label.statistics.email = Email Address ------------------------ KEY: error.support.sendMail OLD: error.support.sendMail = An error occurred while trying to send a support e-mail to '${toString}'. NEW: error.support.sendMail = An error occurred while trying to send a support email to '${toString}'. ------------------------ KEY: label.license.licensedDomains OLD: label.license.licensedDomains = Licensed E-Mail Addresses/Domains NEW: label.license.licensedDomains = Licensed Email Addresses/Domains ------------------------ KEY: eMailAddress.RfcCompliantEmailAddressValidator OLD: eMailAddress.RfcCompliantEmailAddressValidator = Please specify a valid e-mail address. NEW: eMailAddress.RfcCompliantEmailAddressValidator = Please specify a valid email address. ------------------------ KEY: message.statistics.sendMail OLD: message.statistics.sendMail = Send statistics as CSV file to the provided e-mail address. NEW: message.statistics.sendMail = Send statistics as CSV file to the provided email address. ----------------------------------------------------------------- \server\administration\Credits.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ---New keys--- -------------- message.credit.fontawesome = This application makes use of Font Awesome, which is distributed under the label.credit.silOpenFontLicence = SIL Open Font License message.credit.woothee = This application makes use of Woothee, which is distributed under the ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: message.credit.jaxws OLD: message.credit.jaxws = This application makes use of JAX-WS which is distributed under the NEW: message.credit.jaxws = This application makes use of JAX-WS, which is distributed under the ------------------------ KEY: message.credit.qtip2 OLD: message.credit.qtip2 = This application makes use of 'qTip2' which is distributed under the NEW: message.credit.qtip2 = This application makes use of qTip2, which is distributed under the ------------------------ KEY: message.credit.velocity OLD: message.credit.velocity = This application makes use of Apache Velocity which is distributed under the NEW: message.credit.velocity = This application makes use of Apache Velocity, which is distributed under the ------------------------ KEY: message.credit.unboundid OLD: message.credit.unboundid = This application makes use of the UnboundID LDAP SDK which is distributed under the NEW: message.credit.unboundid = This application makes use of the UnboundID LDAP SDK, which is distributed under the ------------------------ KEY: message.credit.wicket OLD: message.credit.wicket = This application makes use of Apache Wicket which is distributed under the NEW: message.credit.wicket = This application makes use of Apache Wicket, which is distributed under the ------------------------ KEY: message.credit.orient OLD: message.credit.orient = This application makes use of the 'orientDB' database which is distributed under the NEW: message.credit.orient = This application makes use of OrientDB, which is distributed under the ------------------------ KEY: message.credit.passay OLD: message.credit.passay = This application makes use of 'Passay' which is distributed under the NEW: message.credit.passay = This application makes use of Passay, which is distributed under the ------------------------ KEY: message.credit.jetty OLD: message.credit.jetty = This application makes use of the Eclipse Jetty Sevrer which is distributed under the NEW: message.credit.jetty = This application makes use of Eclipse Jetty, which is distributed under the ------------------------ KEY: message.credit.spring OLD: message.credit.spring = This application makes use of the Spring Application Framework which is distributed under the NEW: message.credit.spring = This application makes use of the Spring Application Framework, which is distributed under the ------------------------ KEY: message.credit.owasp OLD: message.credit.owasp = This application makes use of the OWASP Java HTML Sanitizer which is distributed under the NEW: message.credit.owasp = This application makes use of the OWASP Java HTML Sanitizer, which is distributed under the ------------------------ KEY: message.credit.cryptshare2 OLD: message.credit.cryptshare2 = Befine Solutions AG - 79102 Freiburg - Schwarzwaldstra\u00DFe 151 - Germany NEW: message.credit.cryptshare2 = Cryptshare AG - 79102 Freiburg - Schwarzwaldstra\u00DFe 151 - Germany ----------------------------------------------------------------- \server\application\Upload3.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: label.finished.showFilenamesEnabled OLD: label.finished.showFilenamesEnabled = The file names of the provided files in this transfer will be mentioned in e-mail notifications. NEW: label.finished.showFilenamesEnabled = The file names of the provided files in this transfer will be mentioned in email notifications. ------------------------ KEY: label.finished.notifySenderDisabled OLD: label.finished.notifySenderDisabled = You will not receive an e-mail notification about this transfer. NEW: label.finished.notifySenderDisabled = You will not receive an email notification about this transfer. ------------------------ KEY: label.finished.downloadNotificationEnabled OLD: label.finished.downloadNotificationEnabled = You will receive an e-mail notification when a recipient retrieves the files of this transfer. NEW: label.finished.downloadNotificationEnabled = You will receive an email notification when a recipient retrieves the files of this transfer. ------------------------ KEY: error.upload.saveTransfer OLD: error.upload.saveTransfer = This transfer was not stored to the database due to a previous error. E-Mail notifications will not be sent. NEW: error.upload.saveTransfer = This transfer was not stored to the database due to a previous error. Email notifications will not be sent. ------------------------ KEY: label.finished.notifySenderEnabled OLD: label.finished.notifySenderEnabled = An e-mail notification with the transfer details was sent to '**{0}**'. NEW: label.finished.notifySenderEnabled = An email notification with the transfer details was sent to '**{0}**'. ------------------------ KEY: label.finished.showFilenamesDisabled OLD: label.finished.showFilenamesDisabled = The file names of the provided files will not be mentioned in e-mail notifications. NEW: label.finished.showFilenamesDisabled = The file names of the provided files will not be mentioned in email notifications. ----------------------------------------------------------------- \server\administration\Auth.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---Removed keys--- ------------------ title.user.step1 -------------- ---New keys--- -------------- message.passwordReset.error = An error occurred while sending the email for resetting the password. message.passwordNew.success = Successfully sent an email to '{0}' with a link to choose a password. title.user.step3 = Group Assignment message.passwordNew.error = An error occurred while sending the email for choosing the password. title.user.step4 = Email Address of the User message.passwordReset.success = Successfully sent an email to '{0}' with a link to reset the password. ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: message.user.name OLD: message.user.name = Please type in the user name for the new user. The user will have to change the password after first login. NEW: message.user.name = Please enter the username of the new user which will be required to log in to the administration interface. ------------------------ KEY: validation.user.exists OLD: validation.user.exists = An account with this user name already exists. Please choose a different user name. NEW: validation.user.exists = An account with this username already exists. Please choose a different user name. ------------------------ KEY: title.user.step2 OLD: title.user.step2 = Group Assignment NEW: title.user.step2 = New User ------------------------ KEY: label.user.name OLD: label.user.name = User Name NEW: label.user.name = Username ------------------------ KEY: userName.Required OLD: userName.Required = Please type in a user name. NEW: userName.Required = Please type in a username. ----------------------------------------------------------------- \server\administration\LogView.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: label.log.showFilenames OLD: label.log.showFilenames = Display file names in notification e-mails NEW: label.log.showFilenames = Display file names in notification emails ------------------------ KEY: label.log.sender.mail OLD: label.log.sender.mail = Sender E-Mail NEW: label.log.sender.mail = Sender Email ------------------------ KEY: label.log.notifyRecipients OLD: label.log.notifyRecipients = Notification e-mail to the the recipients after successful provision NEW: label.log.notifyRecipients = Notification email to the the recipients after successful provision ------------------------ KEY: label.log.notifySender OLD: label.log.notifySender = Notification e-mail to the sender after successful provision NEW: label.log.notifySender = Notification email to the sender after successful provision ----------------------------------------------------------------- \server\application\Upload2.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ---New keys--- -------------- expirationDate.Required = Please specify an expiration date for this transfer. message.options.quickestablishednone = QUICK will automatically manage security for all future transfers between you and the recipient without having to use passwords. To get started, Cryptshare sends an invitation that needs to be secured with a one-time password. message.options.quickestablishedall = No password required. QUICK manages security for your transfer. message.options.quickestablishedpartially = QUICK will automatically manage security for all future transfers between you and the recipient without having to use passwords. To get started, Cryptshare sends an invitation that needs to be secured with a one-time password. ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: label.options.noneHint OLD: label.options.noneHint = This function only offers minimal security. Every reader of the notification e-mail is able to download a transfer without having to enter a password. NEW: label.options.noneHint = This function only offers minimal security. Every reader of the notification email is able to download a transfer without having to enter a password. ------------------------ KEY: title.options.quick OLD: title.options.quick = Permanent Secure Connection (QUICK) NEW: title.options.quick = Security without passwords ------------------------ KEY: label.options.notifySender OLD: label.options.notifySender = Send me a notification mail about this upload NEW: label.options.notifySender = Send me a notification email about this upload ----------------------------------------------------------------- \server\application\MailEditPanel.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: message.notificationReadOnly OLD: message.notificationReadOnly = Below you can see a preview of the e-mail notification which will be sent to the recipients. Click 'Start Transfer' in order to start the upload procedure. NEW: message.notificationReadOnly = Below you can see a preview of the email notification which will be sent to the recipients. Click 'Start Transfer' in order to start the upload procedure. ------------------------ KEY: error.templateUI.load OLD: error.templateUI.load = Failed to load e-mail template settings. NEW: error.templateUI.load = Failed to load email template settings. ------------------------ KEY: message.notificationEditable OLD: message.notificationEditable = Below you can see a preview of the e-mail notification which will be sent to the recipients. You can leave the default notification text as is or type in your own message. Click 'Start Transfer' in order to start the upload procedure. NEW: message.notificationEditable = Below you can see a preview of the email notification which will be sent to the recipients. You can leave the default notification text as is or type in your own message. Click 'Start Transfer' in order to start the upload procedure. ----------------------------------------------------------------- \server\administration\Frontend.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: message.templateUI.applicationLogo OLD: message.templateUI.applicationLogo = To change the logo within your e-mail notifications, simply upload a new logo here. Please note, that the format has to be .png and the maximum width is 200px. NEW: message.templateUI.applicationLogo = To change the logo within your email notifications, simply upload a new logo here. Please note, that the format has to be .png and the maximum width is 200px. ------------------------ KEY: error.load.templateUI OLD: error.load.templateUI = Failed to load e-mail template layout settings. NEW: error.load.templateUI = Failed to load email template layout settings. ------------------------ KEY: message.templateUI.colors OLD: message.templateUI.colors = Select the colors you prefer. The E-Mail preview will instantly show the result. Please note that not all templates contain every color available. It is therefore possible to change the template for the preview in order to see the color changes within other templates. NEW: message.templateUI.colors = Select the colors you prefer. The email preview will instantly show the result. Please note that not all templates contain every color available. It is therefore possible to change the template for the preview in order to see the color changes within other templates. ------------------------ KEY: title.templateUI.preview OLD: title.templateUI.preview = E-Mail Layout Preview NEW: title.templateUI.preview = Email Layout Preview ------------------------ KEY: error.templateUI.installLogo OLD: error.templateUI.installLogo = Installation of the e-mail application logo failed. NEW: error.templateUI.installLogo = Installation of the email application logo failed. ------------------------ KEY: title.templateUI.colors OLD: title.templateUI.colors = E-Mail Colors NEW: title.templateUI.colors = Email Colors ------------------------ KEY: title.templateUI.applicationLogo OLD: title.templateUI.applicationLogo = E-Mail Header Logo NEW: title.templateUI.applicationLogo = Email Header Logo ------------------------ KEY: message.templateUI.logoInstalled OLD: message.templateUI.logoInstalled = Installation of the e-mail logo was successful. NEW: message.templateUI.logoInstalled = Installation of the email logo was successful. ------------------------ KEY: error.save.templateUI OLD: error.save.templateUI = Failed to save e-mail template layout settings. NEW: error.save.templateUI = Failed to save email template layout settings. ----------------------------------------------------------------- \server\application\Cryptshare.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ---New keys--- -------------- message.data.delete.noName = If you delete the contact details and verification of ${mail}, this address needs to be re-verified to use it again as the sender. Are you sure you want to delete this sender address now? ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: error.application.mail.sendFailed OLD: error.application.mail.sendFailed = Failed to send e-mail notification to recipient: %s NEW: error.application.mail.sendFailed = Failed to send email notification to recipient: %s ------------------------ KEY: error.application.mail.ioerror OLD: error.application.mail.ioerror = An error occurred while trying to load the e-mail template. Cryptshare cannot access the necessary template. Please contact your administrator. NEW: error.application.mail.ioerror = An error occurred while trying to load the email template. Cryptshare cannot access the necessary template. Please contact your administrator. ------------------------ KEY: error.application.mail.messageError OLD: error.application.mail.messageError = The e-mail could not be sent. An error occurred while trying to generate the e-mail. NEW: error.application.mail.messageError = The email could not be sent. An error occurred while trying to generate the email. ------------------------ KEY: message.data.delete OLD: message.data.delete = If you delete your data now you cannot provide a Cryptshare transfer anymore. You first have to verify yourself again. Are you sure you want to delete your data now? NEW: message.data.delete = If you delete the contact details and verification of ${name} (${mail}), this address needs to be re-verified to use it again as the sender. Are you sure you want to delete this sender address now? ----------------------------------------------------------------- \server\administration\Settings.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---Removed keys--- ------------------ quickSettingsPanel.quickModes.values.Disabled quickSettingsPanel.quickModes.values.EnabledIfEstablished passwordModePanel.label.passwordMode.manual quickSettingsPanel.label.password quickSettingsPanel.label.quickModeChangeable passwordModePanel.label.passwordMode.none quickSettingsPanel.label.title passwordModePanel.label.passwordMode.generated quickSettingsPanel.label.description quickSettingsPanel.label.quickModes quickSettingsPanel.quickModes.values.Enabled quickSettingsPanel.label.settings quickSettingsPanel.label.modes.title -------------- ---New keys--- -------------- message.verification.restart = The deletion of verifications requires a server restart in order to clear cached settings for the User and Administration Interface. Do you want to restart now? ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: mailHost.Required OLD: mailHost.Required = Please specify the address of your e-mail server. NEW: mailHost.Required = Please specify the address of your email server. ------------------------ KEY: quickMailField.Required OLD: quickMailField.Required = Please enter a valid e-mail address. NEW: quickMailField.Required = Please enter a valid email address. ------------------------ KEY: message.mailing OLD: message.mailing = Set up which relay server should be used to send e-mail notifications. NEW: message.mailing = Set up which relay server should be used to send email notifications. ------------------------ KEY: title.preprocessing.notification OLD: title.preprocessing.notification = E-Mail Notification NEW: title.preprocessing.notification = Email Notification ------------------------ KEY: title.solution.mailing OLD: title.solution.mailing = Settings for the E-Mail Delivery NEW: title.solution.mailing = Settings for the Email Delivery ------------------------ KEY: newListItem.RfcCompliantEmailAddressValidator OLD: newListItem.RfcCompliantEmailAddressValidator = Please specify a valid e-mail address. NEW: newListItem.RfcCompliantEmailAddressValidator = Please specify a valid email address. ------------------------ KEY: title.mailoptions.subjects OLD: title.mailoptions.subjects = E-Mail Subject Labels NEW: title.mailoptions.subjects = Email Subject Labels ------------------------ KEY: label.solution.showFilenames OLD: label.solution.showFilenames = Show file names in notification e-mails. NEW: label.solution.showFilenames = Show file names in notification emails. ------------------------ KEY: error.mailOptions.noSenderAddress OLD: error.mailOptions.noSenderAddress = The e-mail sender address of this server has not yet been defined. NEW: error.mailOptions.noSenderAddress = The email sender address of this server has not yet been defined. ------------------------ KEY: message.alerting OLD: message.alerting = Configure in this area which name and sender e-mail address will be used by this Cryptshare Server and who should be notified. NEW: message.alerting = Configure in this area which name and sender email address will be used by this Cryptshare Server and who should be notified. ------------------------ KEY: message.monitoring OLD: message.monitoring = In this section monitoring thresholds for your hard disk can be setup. Each configured threshold will be shown in the status-screen. If a threshold is exceeded the Cryptshare Server will send an appropriate e-mail notification. NEW: message.monitoring = In this section monitoring thresholds for your hard disk can be setup. Each configured threshold will be shown in the status-screen. If a threshold is exceeded the Cryptshare Server will send an appropriate email notification. ------------------------ KEY: label.solution.downloadNotification OLD: label.solution.downloadNotification = Send download notification e-mail. NEW: label.solution.downloadNotification = Send download notification email. ------------------------ KEY: adminMail.validation.list.error OLD: adminMail.validation.list.error = Please add at least one e-mail address to the list of administrators. NEW: adminMail.validation.list.error = Please add at least one email address to the list of administrators. ------------------------ KEY: label.solution.downloadNotificationChangeable OLD: label.solution.downloadNotificationChangeable = Users can choose whether a download notification e-mail is sent or not. NEW: label.solution.downloadNotificationChangeable = Users can choose whether a download notification email is sent or not. ------------------------ KEY: senderAddress.Required OLD: senderAddress.Required = Please specify the E-Mail Address of the sender. NEW: senderAddress.Required = Please specify the Email Address of the sender. ------------------------ KEY: message.mailOptions.signature OLD: message.mailOptions.signature = Here you can define e-mail signatures that should be available for users when defining notifications in Cryptshare. You can link these signatures with certain sender/recipient combinations in the policy definition section. NEW: message.mailOptions.signature = Here you can define email signatures that should be available for users when defining notifications in Cryptshare. You can link these signatures with certain sender/recipient combinations in the policy definition section. ------------------------ KEY: title.mailoptions.signatures OLD: title.mailoptions.signatures = E-Mail Signatures NEW: title.mailoptions.signatures = Email Signatures ------------------------ KEY: quickDomainField.Required OLD: quickDomainField.Required = Please enter a valid e-mail domain. NEW: quickDomainField.Required = Please enter a valid email domain. ------------------------ KEY: label.solution.showZipContent OLD: label.solution.showZipContent = Display zip files contents in notification e-mails. NEW: label.solution.showZipContent = Display zip files contents in notification emails. ------------------------ KEY: mailImageHandling.Required OLD: mailImageHandling.Required = Please select how images in e-mails should be handled. NEW: mailImageHandling.Required = Please select how images in emails should be handled. ------------------------ KEY: label.solution.mailFormat OLD: label.solution.mailFormat = E-Mail Format NEW: label.solution.mailFormat = Email Format ------------------------ KEY: label.alerting.adminMail OLD: label.alerting.adminMail = Administrator E-Mail NEW: label.alerting.adminMail = Administrator Email ------------------------ KEY: mailPort.Required OLD: mailPort.Required = Please specify the port of your e-mail server. NEW: mailPort.Required = Please specify the port of your email server. ------------------------ KEY: label.solution.mailEncoding OLD: label.solution.mailEncoding = E-Mail Encoding NEW: label.solution.mailEncoding = Email Encoding ----------------------------------------------------------------- \server\templates\conf.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: snippet.label_usageTermsLink_after OLD: snippet.label_usageTermsLink_after = NEW: snippet.label_usageTermsLink_after = . =========================================== =================== HTML ================== =========================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------- REMOVED FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------- \client\outlook\3\templates\notifymail_recipient_inline\message.html \client\outlook\3\templates\notifymail_recipient_inlinetop\message.html \client\outlook\3\templates\skeleton.html \client\outlook\3\templates\placeholder_content\message.html \client\outlook\3\templates\verifymail\message.html \client\outlook\3\templates\notifymail_recipient_full\message.html \client\outlook\3\templates\notifytext_sender_inline\message.html -------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------- \client\outlook\13\templates\sms\skeleton.html \client\outlook\13\templates\skeleton.html \server\templates\passwordNew\message.html \server\templates\passwordReset\head.html \server\templates\passwordNew\head.html \server\templates\passwordReset\message.html -------------------------------------------------------------------- MODIFIED FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------- \server\help\administration\html\mailPreview.html \server\help\administration\html\senderAddress.html \server\help\administration\html\verificationHelp.html \server\help\administration\html\successfulUpgrade.html \server\help\administration\html\mailImageHandling.html \server\help\administration\html\notifyTempLow.html \server\help\administration\html\mailHost.html \server\templates\recipient\head.html \server\help\administration\html\color.html \server\help\administration\html\mailPort.html \server\help\administration\html\adminMail.html \server\help\administration\html\policyRules.html \server\templates\verification\message.html \server\help\administration\html\ldapServer.html \server\help\administration\html\templateLogoHelp.html \server\help\administration\html\senderName.html \server\templates\transferViewed\message.html \server\help\administration\html\verificationValidity.html \server\help\administration\html\individualSender.html \server\help\administration\html\attributeMapping.html \server\help\administration\html\serviceTasks.html \server\help\administration\html\mailFormat.html \server\help\administration\html\sendLogAsTransfer.html \server\help\administration\html\standardPasswordMode.html \server\help\administration\html\mailEncoding.html \server\help\administration\html\deriveFromLicense.html \server\help\administration\html\notifyDestinationLow.html \server\help\administration\html\sendLog.html