=========================================== ================ PROPERTIES =============== =========================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------- MODIFIED FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- \administration\Credits.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---Removed keys--- ------------------ message.credit.fontawesome message.credit.orient label.credit.silOpenFontLicence -------------- ---New keys--- -------------- message.credit.jettison = This application makes use of jettison library, which is distributed under the message.credit.jacksondatabind = This application makes use of Jackson Databind Library, which is distributed under the message.credit.bouncycastle = This application makes use of Bouncy Castle Crypto APIs, which is distributed under the label.credit.bsd2 = BSD 2-clause message.credit.flexmark = This application makes use of flexmark java library, which is distributed under the message.credit.guava = This application makes use of Guava: Google Core Libraries, which is distributed under the message.credit.sshd = This application makes use of Apache MINA SSHD, which is distributed under the message.credit.openjson = This application makes use of Open JSON, which is distributed under the message.credit.winrun4j = This application makes use of WinRun4J, which is distributed under the message.credit.sshj = This application makes use of SSHv2 library for Java, which is distributed under the label.credit.cpl = Common Public License ----------------------------------------------------------------- \administration\OperatingSystem.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---Removed keys--- ------------------ message.upgrade.successful.update_config_description message.upgrade.successful.update_config_header ----------------------------------------------------------------- \administration\PostUpdate.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---Removed keys--- ------------------ label.postupdate.introduction.hint.link.href label.postupdate.migration label.postupdate.introduction label.postupdate.migrationLogText ----------------------------------------------------------------- \administration\Administration.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ---New keys--- -------------- product.client.owa = Cryptshare for OWA error.global.save.failed = An error occurred when saving Connection Settings. ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: message.login.postupdate.warning OLD: message.login.postupdate.warning = An update was performed and additional steps are required. Until this procedure is finished, only administrators can login. Please note, that the login can take several seconds due to the technical background of this update. NEW: message.login.postupdate.warning = An update was performed and additional steps are required. Until this procedure is finished, only administrators can login. ----------------------------------------------------------------- \administration\Addon.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ---New keys--- -------------- newListItem.UrlValidator = Please specify a valid URL. error.owaPackage.zipError = An error occurred while trying to validate the new OWA package error.owaPackage.missingManifestXml = No Manifest found. This is not a valid Cryptshare for OWA Release. label.cs4owa.upload = Provide Add-In title.cs4owa.general = General newClientName.StringValidator.range = The value of 'Name' is not between ${minimum} and ${maximum} characters long. label.cs4owa.allowedHosts.individualHosts = Individual Hosts label.cs4owa.vendor = Vendor error.owaPackage.noZip = This file is no valid zip file. label.addon.clientName = Description title.cs4owa.logging = Logging error.owaPackage.validationFail = Validation of this file has failed. label.cs4owa.manifestUrl = Manifest URL label.cs4owa.version = Version message.cs4owa.general.2 = In order to make the add-in accessible for users of 'Outlook on the web' the software package must be uploaded here. After that the add-in can be set up by using the shown Manifest URL in the Microsoft 365 admin center. message.cs4owa.general.3 = By uploading an updated package to this section, updates will be automatically rolled out. message.cs4owa.general.1 = The following table shows details of the add-in version provided by this server for 'Outlook on the web' users. label.cs4owa.name = Display Name label.cs4owa.allowedHosts.allowAll.warning = Warning: This allows any client to send Cross-Origin Requests to this Cryptshare Server which is a security risk. Intentionally disabling the CORS restriction is not recommended. newClientName.Required = Please enter a Name. title.cs4owa.cors = CORS message.cs4owa.allowedHosts.2 = This means that transfers from Cryptshare for OWA clients on foreign Cryptshare Servers can only be accessed if the corresponding Cryptshare Server has been authorized here. message.cs4owa.allowedHosts.1 = Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, CORS in short, is a security procedure allowing access from external web domains only when these are explicitly set up. error.validation.duplicate = The given value already exists in the list. error.owaPackage.writeTempFile = Failed to write OWA package files to the disk. newAddInPackage.Required = Please select a valid Cryptshare for OWA package. label.cs4owa.description = Description addClient.success = Client ID was added successfully. newClientID.StringValidator.range = The value of 'Client ID' is not between ${minimum} and ${maximum} characters long. title.cs4owa.allowedHosts = Allowed Hosts label.cs4owa.logging.addClient = Add Client label.cs4owa.allowedHosts.disabled = Disable message.cs4owa.logging.2 =

To activate remote logging for an add-in enter the corresponding client ID, a description and the preferred log level. Further information can be found in the Cryptshare Wiki.

message.cs4owa.logging.1 = In case of problems remote logging can be activated for Cryptshare for OWA add-ins. The Cryptshare Server then writes all log messages from clients listed below to a dedicated system log. title.cs4owa.providedVersion = Provided version label.cs4owa.allowedHosts.allowAll = Allow all ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: newClientID.Required OLD: newClientID.Required = Please enter a valid Client-ID. NEW: newClientID.Required = Please enter a valid Client ID. ------------------------ KEY: message.clientAlreadyExist OLD: message.clientAlreadyExist = Failed to add new client. A client with the ID {0} already exists for {1}. NEW: message.clientAlreadyExist = Failed to add new client. A client with the name {0} already exists for {1}. ----------------------------------------------------------------- \administration\Status.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ---New keys--- -------------- label.license.name.client.Owa = Cryptshare for OWA =========================================== =================== HTML ================== =========================================== =========================================== =================== XML =================== =========================================== ------------------ ---Removed keys--- ------------------ ------------------ ---Added keys--- ------------------